A Voice from the Eastern Door

New Cases of COVID-19 in UCDSB Schools - Nov. 21

November 21, 2021 – Parents/guardians, staff and students at the following schools received notification within the last 24-48 hours that at least one individual at their school has tested positive for COVID-19.   

Bridgewood Public School (Cornwall)

Cornwall Collegiate Vocational School (Cornwall)

Eamer’s Corners Public School (Cornwall)

Iroquois Public School (Iroquois)

The Eastern Ontario Health Unit have done their assessments to determine those within the schools who may have had a high-risk exposure and are actively communicating with those individuals.

All schools remain open and are operating on their regular daily schedules.

The health units and schools are taking all necessary steps to prevent further spread of the virus. Specific information about individuals and cases within our schools is not shared by the school board with the public or with the media.

You can find more information about the total number of COVID-19 cases in our schools in our online COVID-19 Info Centre or on the provincial website, which outlines all cases in all Ontario public schools.



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