A Voice from the Eastern Door

Onkwehonwè:ne Onhwentsia'kéhkha Tekaià:khon Ronnéhsaks Tsi Nón:we Aiokwenhrá:rake 360 Nikakwí:rake Ahatiiéntho Aktónkie Satsherá:ti 37 Tsi Iohatákie

Tsi nihonahkwíshron aonsahatí:ien ohstón:ha ne ó:kwire ónhton nè:’e takarihónnia’te ontó:roke ne Emerald Éhsa Borer (EAB), ne Roia’tatokénhti Ré:sis Kanien’kehá:ka Onkwehón:we (SRMT) Onhwentsia’kéhkha Tekaià:khon ronnéhsaks tsi nón:we aiokwenhrá:ron aktónkie tóka ò:ni ákta Satsherá:ti 37 Tsi Iohatákie ne Ahkwesáhshne ahatikwiraiéntho kí:ken Kanenna’kè:ne nikahá:wi.

Ne Emerald Éhsa Borer o’nó:wa sha’oié:ra ne sha’teionhwentsí:ien (Asia) wa’tewaterien’tawénrie tsi wa’kón:newe ne Ohstoronòn:ke. Shahatitshén:ri Ohstoronòn:ke nonkwá:ti Michigan ne 2002, kí:ken iakorióhtha otsi’nón:wa kiorihonnì:’on tsi wa’konníhiie ne okwire’shòn:’a tsi ionhwentsiatákie aktónkie ne 10 tewenniawe’ékhon ia’tesewen’niawe’ékhon ionenhé:ion ne okwire’shòn:’a. Wa’ohterónhta’ne ne Kanien’kehá:ka tsi nihotiriho’ténhne rotiio’ténion tsi ní:ioht ne rota’therón:ni ò:ni iótteron aiakokaré:wahte tánon kakwirowá:nens wa’ohníhnha’ne.

SRMT Onhwentsia’kéhkha Onhwéntsia Rotí:ien Ratíhsere tehotiienawá:kon skáthne ne kén:tho tánon kakorahtsherá:kon ratíhsere ahatinà:ton, aonsahóntken’se tánon enkio’serón:nehte tsi ní:ioht tsi í:we ne taonré:ni katsi’nonwanákere aontahatíhnhe ne kénh nón:we niionhwentsiatákie. Tho nón:we karákie tsi wahatikwirohtshión:ko ne éhsa ó:kwire ne kénh nón:we nihonnonhwénhtsiaien ne 2019.

USDA tahonthwistáhtka’we Kowá:nen Kaniataráhere Shatikwatákwas Thonatáhsawen, ieká:ien ne 360 sha’oié:ra okwire’shòn:’a tánon ken’nikakwirá:sa’as enkaién:take akaiénthon na’teiotikióhkwake iotawenhrá:ton ne 30 tekiattíhen nikahtehrò:ten ahontaterákwahse ne kénh nón:we nihati’terón:ten. Tsi ionkwenhrà:’on tsionkwe’tátshon enhatika’én:ion ohén:ton tsi nikahá:wi enhatiiéntho iorihwí:io enhonnón:ni tsi niká:ien ne ó:kwire tánon ken’nikakwirá:sa’as entkaié:ri’ne tsi nón:we niiokwèn:rare enhatiiéntho (ie. wa’kenhrí:io, iohnekinekenhtonhákie, iontstha’shòn:’a karonwaráhere etc.). Ken’nikakwirá:sa’as, sénha ieskowá:nen tánon kakwirowá:nen ká:ien. Tentewahtharónnion tsi nikiotkwí:rate nó:nen iotehià:ron tkaié:ri enkarihwahseronníhake í:iah entá:onk eh niió:re tha’tahatíhshnie tsi nén:we, nè:’e ne raó:wen eh nón:we ronwaniahehsà:’on ahaten’nikòn:rare enhsakwiraiéntho, tóka ò:ni shí:ken rotatén:ron ne éhsa okwire’shòn:’a.

Enhshatikwiraiéntho tho karákie ne é:neken kiótte o’rhenióhkwa tó:kwahre, takwa’aserón:ni, kahòn:tsi orá:se, wáhta, kanén:tens, ohtshohkó:ton, tsionerahtase’kó:wa, teiakonia’tawèn:eks, nà:kon nonkwá:ti onekwénhtara ohnióhkwa, kahnehtahòn:tsi, kahòn:tsi é:ri tánon sénha é:so, nè:’e tkaia’takwe’ní:io oh ní:ioht tsi entkiatén:rohwe ne o’kèn:ra tsi ní:ioht.

Onhwentsia’kéhkha rotiio’ténion ratirihwahseronniánions aontahontáhsawen ahatinatahréhseron tsi nón:we aón:ton ahatiiéntho, enthontáhsawen Awententa’ón’ke, Kentenhkó:wa 8, 2021 tánon entewatáhsawen enhatiiéntho tehatiká:nere ne kaio’ténhsera akáhshon tsi niió:re ne ià:ia’k niiohiakserá:ke niió:re.

Tóka’ shí:ken entisa’nikonhratihéntho, kanà:ta raononkwe’ta’shòn:’a ronwatiri’wanontón:ni iahonwatenwennátahse Normand Genier, onkonhonwè:ke kahrhakonhró:non, kwáh tsi niió:re enwá:ton Onhwentsia’kéhkha Tekaià:kon (518) 358-5937.

Satsherá:ti 37 Tsi Iohatákie State Road Route 37

Onhwentsia’kéhkha Tekaià:khon Environment Division

Ronnéhsaks They are looking for it

Ahatikwiraiéntho They ought to plant trees

Tsi nihonahkwíshron They are making an effort

Aonsahatí:ien They ought to have again

Kanenna’kè:ne nikahá:wi Fall time

O’nó:wa Beetle

Sha’oié:ra It is natural

Sha’teionhwentsí:ien Asia

Wa’tewaterien’tawénrie It was accidental

Wa’kón:newe They did arrive

Ne Ohstoronòn:ke The United States

Iakorióhtha otsi’nón:wa Destructive insect

Wa’konníhiie ne okwire’shòn:’a The trees did die

Rota’therón:ni He makes a basket for himself

Iótteron aiakokaré:wahte It is dangerous someone could get hurt

Kakwirowá:nens wa’ohníhnha’ne Large trees did become brittle

Tehotiienawá:kon They help each other / collaborated

Wahatikwirohtshión:ko They did remove (pull out) the tree

Tahonthwistáhtka’we They funded it (released the money)

Ken’nikakwirá:sa’as Little trees

Na’teiotikióhkwake They are a variety

Tekiattíhen The 2 are different

Ahontaterákwahse They ought to choose/select for themselves

Enhatika’én:ion ohén:ton tsi nikahá:wi enhatiiéntho They will examine it before the time they will plant

Wa’kenhrí:io It is good soil

Iohnekinekenhtonhákie The water drains along

Iontstha’shòn:’a karonwaráhere Utility wires

Iotehià:ron It is grown

Ronwaniahehsà:’on They are responsible for it

É:neken kiótte o’rhenióhkwa tó:kwahre Highbush cranberry

Takwa’aserón:ni Witch hazel

Kahòn:tsi orá:se Black elderberry

Wáhta Sugar Maple

Kanén:tens Tamarack

Ohtshohkó:ton Balsam fir

Tsionerahtase’kó:wa White pine

Teiakonia’tawèn:eks Hackberry

Nà:kon nonkwá:ti onekwénhtara ohnióhkwa Eastern redbud

Kahnehtahòn:tsi Black tupelo (black gum)

Kahòn:tsi é:ri Black cherry

Onhwentsia’kéhkha rotiio’ténion Environment staff (workers)

Ratirihwahseronniánions They are planning

Aontahontáhsawen ahatinatahréhseron They ought to start visiting

Awententa'ón'ke Monday

Kentenhkó:wa November

Kaio’ténhsera akáhshon The work ought to finish

Entisa’nikonhratihéntho If you will be interested

Ronwatiri’wanontón:ni They ask them

Iahonwatenwennátahse They ought to phone him over there

Kahrhakonhró:non Forester


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