A Voice from the Eastern Door

Kahnhratarí:nes Kari'wanóntha tánon Tekarihwa'serákwas

The Pandemic – Questions and Answers Part 3

55. Tesen'tsionhstánions kenh? Are you sneezing?

56. Hen, tewaki'tsionhstánions Yes, I am sneezing

57. Í:iah, í:iah tha'tewaki'tsionhstánions No, I am not sneezing

58. Tesa'nión:kweks kénh? Do you have nasal congestion?

59. Hen, tewake'nión:kweks Yes, I have nasal congestion

60. Í:iah, í:iah tha'tewake'nionkwé:kon No, I do not have nasal congestion

61. Saterièn:tare kenh oh nahò:ten kiorì:wa? Do you know what caused it?

62. Hen, wakaterièn:tare oh nahò:ten kiorì:wa. Wakathorahserón:se Yes, I know what caused it. I have a cold.

63. Í:iah, í:iah tewakaterièn:tare oh nahò:ten kiorì:wa No, I do not know what caused it.

64. Satkonwarò:roks kenh? Are you wearing a mask?

65. Hen, katkonwarò:roks. Yes, I wear a mask

66. Í:iah, í:iah tekatkonwarò:roks No, I do not wear a mask

67. Sahtsióhares kenh? Are you washing your hands?

68. Hen, kahtsióhares Yes, I wash my hands

69. Í:iah, í:iah tewakahtsióhares No, I do not wash my hands

70. Ià:ia'k niwahshí:take niió:re Are you staying 6 feet apart? téhsta'as kenh?

71. Hen, ià:ia'k niwahshí:take niió:re tetékta'as Yes, I stay 6 feet apart

72. Í:iah, í:iah tha' tékta'as ià:ia'k niwahshí:take niió:re No, I do not stay 6 feet apart

73. Teiesawe'éhston kenh? Are you vaccinated?

74. Teionkenentshawe'éhston Yes, I have gotten vaccinated in the arm

75. Í:iah, í:iah tha'teionkwawe'éhston No, I have not gotten vaccinated

76. Shá:wi kenh ne sahiatónhsera tsi teiesawe'éhston? Do you have your vaccination papers?

77. Hen, khá:wi ne akhiatónhsera tsi teionkwawe'éhston Yes, I have my vaccination papers

78. Í:iah, í:iah thahò:ten tekhá:wi No, I am carrying nothing


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