A Voice from the Eastern Door

Kahnhratarí:nes Kari'wanóntha tánon Tekarihwa'serákwas

The Pandemic – Questions and Answers Part 1

1. Ká:'k ken niká:ien sáhnhraien? Do you have any of these symptoms?

2. Hen, wakáhnhraien Yes I have symptoms

3. Í:iah, i:iah tewakáhnhraien No, I don't have symptoms.

4. Sen'tonhkwáhrhos kénh? Do you have a fever?

5. Hen, waki'tonhkwáhrhos Yes, I have a fever

6. Í:iah, í:iah tewaki'tonhkwáhrhon No, I do not have a fever

7. Á:se tsi sahshá:kha kénh? Do you have a new onset of cough?

8. Hen, á:se tsi kahshá:kha Yes, I have a new cough

9. Í:iah, í:iah tewakahshá:khon No, I do not have a cough

10. Teiotenonhianíhton tsi sahshá:kha kénh? You have a worsening of cough?

11. Hen, teiotenonhianíhton tsi kahshá:kha Yes, I have a worsening cough

12. Í:iah, í:iah tha'teiotenonhianíhton tsi kahshá:kha No, I do not have a worsening cough

13. Satonrió:ktha kénh? Do you have shortness of breath?

14. Hen, katonrió:ktha Yes, I have shortness of breath

15. Í:iah, í:iah tekatonrió:ktha No, I do not have shortness of breath

16. Wentó:re kénh tsi satón:rie? Do you have difficulty breathing?

17. Hen, wentó:re tsi katón:rie Yes, I have difficulty breathing

18. Í:iah, í:iah tewentó:re tsi katón:rie No, I do not have difficulty breathing

19. Sahnia'sanón:waks kénh? Do you have a sore throat?

20. Hen, wakhnia'sanón:waks Yes, I have a sore throat

21. Í:iah, í:iah tewakhnia'sanón:waks No, I do not have a sore throat

22. Kio'serennénhton kénh tsi satkèn:se? Do you have a loss of taste?

23. Hen, kio'serennénhton tsi katkèn:se Yes, I have a loss of taste

24. Í:iah, í:iah tekio'serennénhton tsi katkèn:se No, I do not have a loss of taste

25. Kio'serennénhton kénh tsi sate'shwáhtha? Do you have a loss of smell?

26. Hen, kio'serennénhton tsi kate'shwáhtha Yes, I have a loss of smell

27. Í:iah, í:iah tekio'serennénhton tsi kate'shwáhtha No, I do not have a loss of smell


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