AKWESASNE. The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council and the Tribal Clerk announced that a community comment period has now opened regarding proposed amendments to the Tribe’s Land Laws and Land Dispute Ordinance (“Ordinance”).
The Land Laws and Land Dispute Ordinance is available for community viewing on the Tribal Member Portal, under “Tribal Laws, Ordinances, and Regulations.” To access the portal, please visit the Tribe’s website at http://www.srmt-nsn.gov and click “Tribal Members” in the top right-hand corner.
The Ordinance can also be obtained from the Tribal Clerk’s Office by calling at (518) 358-2272 before Friday, October 15, 2021. You can submit your comments until that time to tclerk@srmt-nsn.gov or they can be delivered in-person to the reception desk at:
Tribal Clerk’s Office
Re: Land Laws and Land Dispute Ordinance
71 Margaret Terrance Memorial Way
Akwesasne, NY 13655
Once the community comments have been reviewed, the final legislation will be posted once more for your final review. After that period has closed, Tribal Council shall sign the legislation into law through Tribal Council Resolution.
The proposed amendments are included at the end of the document “Final Amended Land Dispute Ordinance - September 13, 2021.”
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