How many cases are currently in the county?
The level of community transmission in Franklin County is HIGH. People are interacting more closely with each other which is allowing the disease, including the more infectious Delta Variant, to spread more easily throughout our communities. All of us - vaccinated and unvaccinated - are empowered to help stop the spread by following the COVID-19 safety guidelines we’ve practiced since the start of this pandemic:
Wear face coverings in all indoor public places,
Continue to wash your hands frequently,
Sanitize high touch areas in your home,
Gather outdoors with only a few people at a time,
If unvaccinated, please get vaccinated,
If you feel sick, stay home!
How do I find information about current positive COVID cases, isolations and quarantines in Franklin County?
Go to the Franklin County website and click on “COVID-19 Updates and Guidance” for regularly updated information.
The Crime Analysis Unit of Franklin County updates the isolation map as often as staffing and time allows. We understand that maps are helpful but please be aware that COVID-19 is in every community and safety guidelines should be followed in every township in Franklin County, not just in townships that have confirmed cases.
How many cases are among vaccinated people?
We are finding that about 40% of our positive COVID cases are in vaccinated people. Some COVID-19 infection is expected in vaccinated people. As coronaviruses mutate, variants arise - such as the Delta variant- and these variants are able to infect the vaccinated, but those who are vaccinated have more protection against becoming very sick and hospitalized, and perhaps dying.
Who is eligible to be vaccinated in New York?
Anyone who is 12 and older may be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Why get vaccinated?
Getting vaccinated reduces your chances of contracting COVID-19, protects you from severe illness requiring hospitalization, and helps to eliminate the virus’ ability to mutate and create new variants. Getting vaccinated also helps to protect those who cannot be vaccinated, such as children 11 and under, from contracting COVID-19.
What vaccines are available?
Currently, three COVID-19 vaccines have been approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) for emergency use and New York State’s independent Clinical Advisory Task Force. They are:
• Pfizer (approved for those 12-15 years old)
• Moderna (approved for those 18 and older)
• Johnson and Johnson (approved for those 18 and older)
Recently, one vaccine has been fully approved for use by the FDA:
• Pfizer (approved for those 16 and older)
I want to be vaccinated, how do I find a COVID-19 vaccine provider?
Go to This site will direct you to vaccine that is within a 50 mile radius of your zip code.
COVID-19 vaccination information is posted on our website at Click on COVID-19 Updates and Guidance.
What if I want to schedule a vaccination appointment and don’t have a computer or access to the internet?
Give one of these agencies in Franklin County a call. They will help you find and make a vaccination appointment.
• Community Connections 518 521-3507
• Tri-Lakes Center for Independent Living 518 891- 5295
• Office for the Aging 518 481-1526
• Public Health 518 481-1710
• COVID-19 Call Center 518 481-1111
Please pass this information on to anyone you know who does not have access to a computer or the internet.
I’m vaccinated and I’ve been hearing I might need a booster shot –
Booster shots for all individuals vaccinated with Moderna and Pfizer vaccine will become available this fall. The current recommendation is to get a booster shot 8 months after your second dose of vaccine. The plan to roll out booster shots is forthcoming from the New York State Department of Health. We will let residents know when the plan is released. The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not issued a booster recommendation for those who received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. We will keep county residents informed as we are informed.
What about booster shots for immunocompromised residents?
The FDA has approved COVID vaccine booster shots for immunocompromised people. The ruling was primarily made to benefit organ transplant patients but others with compromised immune systems, such as those being treated for cancer and HIV, would also be eligible for booster shots. If you believe you are eligible, you can now contact your healthcare provider, local pharmacy, or local health department to schedule your next vaccination.
Where can I be tested for COVID?
AMC is billing insurance if the patient has a doctor’s order, otherwise it costs $80.
Alice Hyde requires a doctor’s order – asymptomatic will be tested in the hospital, symptomatic will be tested curb side. Insurance is billed. If no insurance, it’s about $108.
Mountain Medical does not require a doctor’s order but instead requires an office visit and then offers a rapid test or a send out PCR. Insurance is billed. If the patient has no insurance, the office visit is discounted for locals (within 60-mile radius) at $80 and the rapid test is $32. If the person chooses PCR, the lab will bill the patient directly.
Walgreen’s - According to their web site, Walgreen’s offers free self-administered COVID testing at their store in Malone. Customers receive a self-administered test at the drive thru window.
Kinney Drugs – According to their web site, Kinney Drugs offers free asymptomatic COVID testing at their store in Malone and Saranac Lake. Customers receive a self-administered test at the drive thru window. Results are received in 3-5 days.
An appointment is necessary for testing at all of the above sites.
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