A Voice from the Eastern Door

35 Crucial Disability Statistics & Facts to Know in 2021

2021 disABILITIES Awareness Week

Full Blog written by Aleksander Hrubenja on #/26/21

This is just highlighting a bit of the blog so please read the full blog at the site mentioned above. It is really interesting and promotes a lot of questions around the subject of disability in America and in Indian Country across the United States. This awareness will hopefully promote change for the better concerning individuals with disabilities in many areas, especially if enough people take interest and start questioning figures in the political arena’s be it State, Federal and Tribal governments.

10 most Important Disability Statistics for 2021

• In developing countries, around 90% of children with disabilities do not go to school.

• There are three major risk factors for people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

• Around 15% of the world’s population lives with some form of disability.

• Native Americans have the highest prevalence of disability- 18.1%.

• West Virginia has the highest rate of people with disabilities- 19.8%.

• About 30% of children with disabilities are denied enrollment at their local schools.

• People with hearing disabilities have the highest earnings- $48,500

• PTSD disability rates show veterans can get 50% PTSD rating.

Rhode Island reports the highest percentage of people receiving Social Security benefits.

1. Around 15% of the world’s population lives with some form of disability.

2. Disability is much more prevalent among people with lower incomes.

3. Germany, France, and Japan are some of the countries with the best disability benefits.

4. In developing countries, around 90% of children with disabilities don’t go to school.

5. In the US, 21.1% of people living with disabilities smoke, according to statistics on disability.

6. Stroke reduces mobility in more than 50% of stroke survivors ages 65 and over.

7. There are three major risk factors for people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The major risk factors are first risk of getting infected, risk of developing severe symptoms and dying from COVID-19, and risk of having poorer health for the duration of the pandemic or afterward, regardless of whether they had the virus or not.

10. As of 2019, around 13.2% of people in the US were living with a disability.

11. Native Americans have the highest prevalence of disability-18.1%

The Blog goes on to say that Ambulatory disability is the most common type of disability, more women that men report a disability, In the US 2.3 million students are diagnosed with a learning disability. The blog also states that 25.9% of Americans with disabilities live in poverty. It also states the 7.1 million American students receive special education services. In the Conclusion of his blog Hrubenja states that People with disabilities are often left unheard and unseen. While learning about disability rates Is important, we urge allies reading this stats page to amplify voices of people with disabilities, make sure they are heard and included. Finally, educate those without disabilities about the topic at hand by engaging in needed conversations about inclusivity and accessibility.

The number on leading cause of disability is Depression worldwide. The number one cause of disability in the US is neuropsychiatric disorders.

Please read the full blog. In my personal 21plus years of working with people that have a disability I have found that if documented they usually have more than one. Anxiety and Depression usually accompany another disability. I ask you to be sensitive and patient with every individual you come in contact with you do not know what they are dealing with and they don’t have to tell you. I also urge you to consider the barriers that someone with a disability faces on a daily basis. If you need someone to talk to please contact the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Mental Health Program at 518-358-3141 or your physician. If you need help to keep your employment or want to gain employment, please contact Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe TVR (Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation) Program at 518-358-2272. Wishing you all well and be safe on behalf of the TVR Program-Bettina Whitebean, TVR Counselor



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