A Voice from the Eastern Door

Tsi Ní:ioht Enkató:ri Ne Kà:sere-4

How I Will Drive the Car – Part 4

77. Iekiéhstha ne kawistóhtha aohné:ka I am adding coolant (antifreeze)

78. Katkèn:se ne okahkwèn:ta tó: ní:kon káwera I am checking the tire air pressure

79. Skeweráta'as ne akkahkwèn:ta I am adding air to my tires

80. Katkèn:se tó: ní:kon weié:nare I am checking the oil level

81. Tehskeienaténies I am changing the oil

82. Tehsekhahseraténies ne ohèn:ton kaháhserote I am changing the headlight

83. Teskhahseraté:ni ne ohnà:ken kaháhserote I am changing the taillight

84. Ka'seréhtakon tekatohtáhrhos I am cleaning the inside of the car

85. Teka'kenhrakwánions ka'seréhtakon ne akè:sere I am vacuuming the inside of my car

86. Ratkèn:se ne akè:sere He will inspect my car

87. Ó:ia sekhiatonhseraniióntha I am putting on another registration sticker

88. Tesekkahkwen'taté:nies I am changing the tire

89. Ke'serehtakará:tats I will jack the car up

90. Ke'nistóhtshions I am taking off the bolts

91. Skeríhsions ne teiotera'neká:ron I will take off the flat tire

92. Ken'niwà:'a okahkwèn:ta sekkahkwentò:roks I am putting on the small tire

93. Tekkahkwen'tateniónkwas I am rotating the tires

94. Kkahkwen'tatsinonhwatenià:tha I am spinning the tires

95. Keronwarotáhrhoks I am jump starting my car

96. Keronhia'táhkhwa I am stalling it

97. Kateniióntha ne akè:sere I am getting my car towed

98. Tekhe'serehtóia'ks I am hitting someone's car

99. Enhskeiarahserón:ni I will get my car repaired again

100. Rate'serehtahserón:nis He repairs the car body


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