A Voice from the Eastern Door
Describing berries or fruit
1. Ohónte niwahiò:ten It is a green berry
2. Onekwénhtara niwahiò:ten It is a red berry
3. Wahí:io It is a nice berry /nice fruit
4. Wahiáksen It is ugly looking fruit
5. Wahiowá:nen It is a big berry
6. Ken'niwahià:'a It is a small berry
7. Wahiákon It is good tasting fruit
8. Í:iah tewahiákon It is not good tasting fruit
9. Wahiakè:ron The fruit is here and there
10. Wahiatkè:ron The fruit is for sale
11. A'thé:rakon tetewahiáhere The basket is full of fruit
12. Wahianó:ron It is a precious berry/ fruit
13. Iotahión:ni ne wahianó:ron It is a lot of expensive fruit
14. Wahióhare It is washed fruit
15. Wà:iase It is fresh fruit
16. Wahianóhston It is frozen fruit
17. Iohia'nhétska It is soft fruit
18. Iohiahní:ron It is hard fruit
19. Iohiahstáthen It is dried fruit
20. Iohiá:ri It is a ripe berry/fruit
21. Í:iah teiohiá:ri It is not ripe fruit
22. Iotahión:ni The fruit if plentiful
23. Í:iah teiotahión:ni The fruit is not plentiful
24. Iohiátkens It is rotten fruit
25. Iotahiatwará:son It is bruised fruit
26. Teiohiatsikhè:tare It is sweet tasting fruit
27. Teiohiahiò:tsis It is sour fruit (also used for lemon)
28. Tewahiahríhton It is mashed fruit
29. Tewahiakén:seron It is sliced fruit
30. Wahiahiénthon káhi It is planted fruit/berries
31. Kontatewenní:io káhi It is wild fruit/berries
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