A Voice from the Eastern Door

AMBE Year End Update

May 27, 2021

She:kon Families,

The Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board has elected to complete the school year for students on Friday, June 11, 2021. Ending the school year two weeks early was decided based on multiple factors:

The increase in temperature makes it very difficult for students on site wearing masks all day.

Student and family fatigue with online learning and the health benefits of the students being outside and active.

Educational planning time for teachers to review students test results and plan supports for the return in Fall 2021.

Completion of our new grade level assessment plans for math.

AMBE Board and Staff extend a huge thank you to families for all of the support adjusting to new guidelines, schedules and virtual learning. We understand how difficult it has been trying to adjust to sudden changes due to Covid restrictions.

Our Team is actively planning for the 2021-2022 school year. It is our intent to return to a more normal start in September with students returning 5 days on site. We have hired additional staff in order to reduce some of the larger classes. We also have secured Resource supports and programming to help students both academically and socially adjust to being back at school.

We realize that some families may not feel completely safe for onsite school so we will work with those families to provide online learning where possible. A survey will go out to families in early August to assess everyone’s comfort level with the return to school and determine if a remote option is needed.

AMBE has been working closely with the Akwesasne Boys and Girls Club and we are grateful for the programming that they have provided. If you are interested in having your child/children attend Summer programming, the Boys and Girls Club will be hosting camps at each of our schools. Stay tuned for more details.

It is important that your child attend until June 11, 2021 both online and in person as we are completing testing that is needed for our planning.

Please have a safe and restful summer, we look forward to welcoming families back in the Fall.


Donna Lahache, Director of Education


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