A Voice from the Eastern Door



1. Kheionhwatèn:'a wa'ontéhen tsi wa'eiakié:nen'ne sò:'k wa'onte'rhò:roke

My niece was ashamed for falling down, so she covered herself.

2. Enióhrhen'ne, kheiaterè:'a enhonwatinòn:na ne ronara'se'okòn:'a tánon akwé:kon enhontawénha

Tomorrow, my granddaughter will babysit her cousins and they are all going swimming.

3. Akitshé:nen è:rhar Shanénhsta ronwá:iá'ts wahatekhwá:ko ne ohskièn:take sò:'k kahentà:ke aten'èn:rakon wahanì:taien

My dog Shanénhsta bit on a bone then he pooped on the grass in the yard.

4. Muhammad Ali wahatateratsken'tón:ni ohén:ton tsi wahiatsihkó:ia'ke ne Joe Frazier

Muhammad Ali braided his hair before he boxed with Joe Frazier.

5. Rakenonhà:'a io'shátste tsi ratón:rie nè:'e tsi ratákhe ne Tewathahíta tsi ionthahita'áhshne

My uncle is breathing fast because he is running on the Tewathahíta walking trail.

6. Arísawe wa'ontenawiróhare ohén:ton tsi wa'onkiatahserón:ni

Elizabeth brushed her teeth before she got dressed up.

7. Wa'kerihwanòn:we'ne ne riièn:'a ahotenonhsón:ni akenonhsákta

I agreed to allow my son to build his house next to my house.

8. Kheionhwatèn:'a wa'ónhsohwe ne

akenónhkwis sò:'k wa'onkenónhkaron

My niece colored my hair,

then she cut it

9. Wa'katkeróthiwe thó:ne takahséte ne ata'kenhróhkhwa akenonhkwiserà:ke (Kenonhkwiserarà:ken)

I combed my hair then I counted the grey hair on my head.

10. Wahatahtá:nawenhste tánon wahahtsihkó:ten ohén:ton tsi átste niahá:re né:'e tsi rahshá:kha

He dressed warm and he buttoned up before going outside because he is coughing.

11. Tehonehahtáthe wahathónkia'ke nè:'e tsi owirà:'a í:ienre kahentà:ke aiontè:sere

Tehonehahtáthe cut the grass because the baby wants to crawl on the lawn.

12. Kanatí:res wa'onthón:rohwe sò:'k wa'ontenón:waien tánon ionsaié:ko akwatkahráhnha iewaka'sén:se awèn:ke

Kanatí:res dove and sank to the bottom to get my glasses that I dropped in the water.

13. Í:'i tánon akhwá:tsire wa'akwató:ri tsi niió:re ne Kentsià:ke ionkwahninonhrónhne kanennio'kó:hare

Me and my family drove to Massena to buy ice cream cones.


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