A Voice from the Eastern Door

ATFE Entákta Enionkhinenhawíhon

ATFE will give us seed Saturday

1. Ahkwesáhshne Place where the partridge live

2. Rontonhwentsianónhnha They care for the earth

3. ATFE ronwatí:ia'ts Their names are ATFE

4. Tehonatonhontsió:ni tahonwatinonhwará:ton tsi niká:ien ne onkwehshòn:'a tahontenenháhtka'we

They would like to thank the people that donated seeds

5. Ralph Child ronwá:ia'ts Childstock Ohnennà:ta tsi ieienthóhtha nihoió'te

His name is Ralph Child and he works for Childstock Potato Farm

6. Heron Breen ronwà:ia'ts Fedco Kanénha nihoió'te His name is Heron Breen and he works for Fedco seeds

7. Tánon Tá:wit tánon Onwá:ri Arquette tahontenenháhtka'we And Dave and Mary Arquette donated seeds

8. Nè:'e aorì:wa kí:ken kahnhratarì:nes Because of the pandemic

9. ATFE wa'esahrie'nónnien ATFE did bundle your seeds

10. Tánon okwire'shòn:'a And trees

11. Entehsenenhakóha You will pick up your bundle of seeds

12. Entákta Onerahtókha24 enhská:ra'ne On Saturday April 24

13. IGA nón:we At IGA

14. Kióhton niiohwistà:'e tsi niió:re ne énkie 9 am until noon

15. ATFE kwató:ken tsi ní:kon rotinénhaien ATFE has a very limited amount of seeds

16. Ronato'ktà:'on é:so kanénha'shòn:'a They have run out of many seeds

17. Ronato'ktà:'on ne okwire'shòn:'a They ran out of trees

18. Ronato'ktà:'on ne ohnennà:ta They ran out of potatoes

19. Ronato'ktà:'on ne o'niónkseri They ran out of onions

20. Ronato'ktà:'on ne otsihkwa'kó:wa kanenha'shòn:'a They ran out of rutabaga seeds

21. Ronato'ktà:'on ne otsihkwakáhte kanenha'shòn:'a They ran out of radish seeds

22. Ronato'ktà:'on ne teiohseriie'takwe'nón:ni kioneritstakè:tote kanenha'shòn:'a They ran out of spaghetti squash seeds

23. Ronato'ktà:'on ne iokwarontón:nion nikanon'onserò:ten kanenha'shòn:'a They ran out of buttercup squash seeds

24. Niawenhkó:wa tsi sewa'nikonhraién:ta'as Thank you for your understanding


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