ATFE will give us seed Saturday
1. Ahkwesáhshne Place where the partridge live
2. Rontonhwentsianónhnha They care for the earth
3. ATFE ronwatí:ia'ts Their names are ATFE
4. Tehonatonhontsió:ni tahonwatinonhwará:ton tsi niká:ien ne onkwehshòn:'a tahontenenháhtka'we
They would like to thank the people that donated seeds
5. Ralph Child ronwá:ia'ts Childstock Ohnennà:ta tsi ieienthóhtha nihoió'te
His name is Ralph Child and he works for Childstock Potato Farm
6. Heron Breen ronwà:ia'ts Fedco Kanénha nihoió'te His name is Heron Breen and he works for Fedco seeds
7. Tánon Tá:wit tánon Onwá:ri Arquette tahontenenháhtka'we And Dave and Mary Arquette donated seeds
8. Nè:'e aorì:wa kí:ken kahnhratarì:nes Because of the pandemic
9. ATFE wa'esahrie'nónnien ATFE did bundle your seeds
10. Tánon okwire'shòn:'a And trees
11. Entehsenenhakóha You will pick up your bundle of seeds
12. Entákta Onerahtókha24 enhská:ra'ne On Saturday April 24
13. IGA nón:we At IGA
14. Kióhton niiohwistà:'e tsi niió:re ne énkie 9 am until noon
15. ATFE kwató:ken tsi ní:kon rotinénhaien ATFE has a very limited amount of seeds
16. Ronato'ktà:'on é:so kanénha'shòn:'a They have run out of many seeds
17. Ronato'ktà:'on ne okwire'shòn:'a They ran out of trees
18. Ronato'ktà:'on ne ohnennà:ta They ran out of potatoes
19. Ronato'ktà:'on ne o'niónkseri They ran out of onions
20. Ronato'ktà:'on ne otsihkwa'kó:wa kanenha'shòn:'a They ran out of rutabaga seeds
21. Ronato'ktà:'on ne otsihkwakáhte kanenha'shòn:'a They ran out of radish seeds
22. Ronato'ktà:'on ne teiohseriie'takwe'nón:ni kioneritstakè:tote kanenha'shòn:'a They ran out of spaghetti squash seeds
23. Ronato'ktà:'on ne iokwarontón:nion nikanon'onserò:ten kanenha'shòn:'a They ran out of buttercup squash seeds
24. Niawenhkó:wa tsi sewa'nikonhraién:ta'as Thank you for your understanding
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