Here it is, one year already.....April 17. As we look back, we at Indian Time still feel the emptiness knowing our dear friend, co-worker, manager has moved on to the spirit world. But we feel in our hearts that she still lives on in so many other special ways. Memories are there for a reason. As we remember the laughter, stories, and thoughtful actions taken , we also know that all of her family, friends, and so many she cared for have a special place in their hearts for her, too. The memories are all filled with warmth now. As we take time to reflect, once again she teaches us how important it is to show how we can care for one another. Although hugging is something that has been put on hold for now, we can still show love, compassion, and guidance in other ways until it is safe again. If something needs to be said, say it. If you feel the need to do something good, do it. None of us know how much time we have. She shows us this even now, as well as many other important things in life. Her contributions to the community spirit that Akwesasne possesses makes us all the more richer in life. We all are special people if we look to people like Helen.
For Helen Cook Lazore
Last year I ran out of time to include my tribute to Helen Cook Lazore so now I can in this one year remembrance. We had some interesting times working together, but I am so glad that I can remember in the last few years how she showed concern for my health when I was getting medical treatments, the caring acts she did, and those special hugs when we parted for Christmas/New Years break.
My last memory of her is how we hugged after she, along with my dear friend Debbie, did something special for me which involved my future.
Her warmth permeated not only physically, but reached through the heart. I will never forget her and will be a better person for knowing and working with Helen.
Randy Jock-Reidy
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