A Voice from the Eastern Door

Oh Ní:ioht Nátste

What it is like outside

Kakwitè:ne nikahá:wi Spring time

Tsi nikakwitehnéhtsheres During the spring

Ensewenhniserésha'ne The days will get longer again

Sénha enhskarahkwataríha'te The sun will get a bit warmer

Nó:nen iorákote, ensewentaná:wen'ne When it is sunny, it will be mild

Son'tariha'tánion It's warming up again

Iaontaná:wen It is mild

Ó:kiake ne otsi'tén:'a tentkón:ne Some birds will come back

Iowerataríhen iowerarákie's A warm wind is blowing

Kwah í:ken tsi iokennó:ron It was raining very hard

Ionawa'tstà:ke ne átste It is muddy outside

Iohontsia'nhétska The earth is soft

Kahonwa'takè:ron There are puddles

Kahné:ko There is a lot of water

Kanonhsaktónkie iohnekónnion There are a lot of water along the house

Akwaten'èn:rakon iohnekónnion There is a lot of water in my yard

Tsi tekahronión:ni iohnekónnion There are a lot of water in the ditches

Kahné:ko ne onhwentsió:kon There is a lot of water in the cellar

Shé:kon iohsón:tano The nights are still cold

Ensewá:keren'ne It will snow again


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Rendered 12/04/2024 04:33