A Voice from the Eastern Door


The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s Community Health Program reports three (3) new active cases of COVID-19 in the northern portion of the community, as of January 18, 2021. There are now a total of 29 active cases, 132 total cases, and 91 resolved since the start of the pandemic. (Total cases include Tsiionkwanonhso:te active cases.)

MCA extends its best wishes for a speedy recovery to all those infected, as well as appreciation to those isolating and quarantining to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. We express our condolences to those who have lost a loved one.

In order to prevent further spread of COVID-19, please restrict social gatherings and wear a mask when around others. Wash hands frequently and maintain six feet of distance from anyone outside your household. Stay home when you’re sick and isolate if you’ve been exposed to the COVID-19 virus.

If you are in need of mental health support, please contact our Wholistic Health & Wellness Program at 613-575-2341 ext. 3115.

If you have questions about the COVID-19 response and emergency plans, please contact the Emergency Operations Centre at 613-575-5005, 613-575-2331 or email eoc@akwesasne.ca.

If you need to be tested for COVID-19, please make an appointment with MCA’s Community Health Program by calling 613-575-2341 ext. 3220. Community members can also access free testing through the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe. Check their website, http://www.srmt-nsn.gov, for testing dates.

For more information on COVID-19, please visit the MCA website at http://www.akwesasne.ca/covid-19-novel-coronavirus-information/.

Click here to view the notice and updated COVID-19 Community Situation Report: http://www.akwesasne.ca/mca-reports-three-new-positive-cases-of-covid-19-4/


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