A Voice from the Eastern Door


Full Time Indefinite Position

Salary: Based on AMBE Principal Salary Grid

The Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education (AMBE) was created in 1985 by the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA). AMBE is responsible for providing educational services to the Akwesasne Mohawk Community, including; 3 Schools that offer K4 to Grade 8 education; coordination of secondary education service in partnership with local school boards; adult education services; and post-secondary assistance. The Akwesasne Mohawk Community includes about 13,000 Peoples, and borders on the Canadian Provinces of Ontario and Quebec and the American State of New York.


Under the supervision of the Director of Education, the School Principal is responsible for the implementation of the school program. Provides leadership and direction to staff in the implementation of the best possible programs. Promotes high academic standards and a positive school climate.


• Master’s Degree in Education; with

• Minimum of 5 years teaching experience or equivalent; and

• 3 years Leadership experience

• Ability to speak and understand Kanieńkehá is an asset.


• bachelor’s in education; with

• Minimum of 10 years teaching experience or equivalent; and

• 3 years Leadership experience with Specialization.

• Ability to speak and understand Kanieńkehá is an asset.


The School Principal will demonstrate the AMBE key values of: integrity, equity and accountability with a focus on:

• Leadership: Positively influencing people and events;

• Relationship Building: Developing and maintaining constructive relationships;

• Communication: Clearly conveying and receiving messages;

• Results Orientation: Knowing what results are important, focusing resources to achieve them;

• Strategic Thinking: Taking a broad, long term view, assessing options and implications;

• Planning: Setting clear outcomes and indicators of success;

• Cultural Awareness: Understanding of, and sensitivity to, the distinct Akwesasne Mohawk community, culture and language.

All interested individuals must submit a letter of interest, resume and copies of certificates/diplomas no later than 2:00 p.m. on January 20, 2021 to:

Lynn Roundpoint

HR Generalist / Labour Relations

Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education

169 International Rd

Akwesasne, ON K6H 0G5

Or Email to: lynn.roundpoint@ambe.ca

• Applicants must clearly outline that they meet the qualification requirements on their resume

• A criminal records check is MANDATORY

• Native Preference in hiring

• Applicants MUST have a Canadian Social Insurance Number


All AMBE employees are required to be eligible to work in Canada and have a valid passport to facilitate daily border crossing.


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