A Voice from the Eastern Door

To the Editor

To the Editor,

I would like to say Niawen: Kowa to our leadership who have found so many ways to keep us safe and healthy during 2020. From quickly establishing the EOC’s that provided guidance and assistance and genuine concerns for our well-being., to inspiring and encouraging words to hepus through these tough times. The SRMT and MCA programs that have come up with so many creative ways to deliver quality services to our kids and elders to keep us fed, occupied and uplifted. So many Akwesasronon have gone about in their own quiet way to check on neighbors and to help out whenever it was needed. The local businesses and community groups have done an awesome job making sure the holidays are a little bit better for all. I would like to also acknowledge the front-line workers and essential personnel for their tremendous efforts in keeping us safe and healthy. I send my gratitude and appreciation to one and all and hope the new year is a better one for all of us!

- Emily Tarbell


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