A Voice from the Eastern Door

Winter is coming and so are the snowmobilers

A message from Sûreté du Québec on snowmobiling safety

Montreal. With the winter season fast approaching, the Sûreté du Québec wishes to remind that it will be present on Sûreté du Québec territory snowmobile trails to ensure the safety of users and compliance with the laws in force.

The purpose of the Sûreté du Québec police presence on Sûreté du Québec territory trails is to raise awareness among snowmobilers about responsible and safe behavior. Interventions will be carried out on the trails as well as at the crossings of public roads with snowmobilers who have behaviors that compromise the safety of other users. Particular attention will be paid to impaired driving by alcohol, drugs or a combination of both, non-compliance with the speed limit and non-compliance with mandatory stop signs at the intersections of trails and public roads.

Safety tips

1. Ride on marked trails and avoid water bodies: the state of the ice in some areas can pose a significant risk to people who venture off the trails.

2. Avoid going hiking alone and always warn a loved one of the planned route.

3. Be particularly vigilant at the crossroads of a public road.

4. Keep to the right at all times.

5. Observe the signs.

6. Adjust your speed to trail conditions.

7. Refrain from using alcohol or drugs.

Reminders of the regulations

1. Snowmobile traffic is prohibited on public roads except in exceptional cases, in particular in places indicated by signs.

2. The maximum speed limit on the trail is 70 km/h.

3. Snowmobilers are subject to the same laws as motorists with respect to the ability to drive impaired by drugs, alcohol or a combination of both.

Impaired driving ability and speed are the main causes of fatal snowmobile collisions. During the 2019-2020 season, 24 people lost their lives while practicing this hobby on the territory of the Sûreté du Québec.


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