A Voice from the Eastern Door

Update on COVID-19 Outbreak at Tsiionkwanonhso:te Long Term Care Facility

In line with our commitment to provide timely and transparent updates, we would like to share that we received confirmation from the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) that three members of our staff at the Tsiionkwanonhso:te Longterm Care Facility have tested positive for COVID-19 and this was detected by our regular nasopharyngeal swab surveillance testing.

In line with our infection prevention and control (IPAC) protocols, we are testing residents and staff in accordance with the guidance and direction of the EOHU. We anticipate the results of these swabs to be returned within the next two to three days.

All staff are required to participate in surveillance testing as directed by the EOHU.

With community spread being a major concern, this regular testing will help us detect new positive staff or asymptomatic staff early and limit the risk of potential exposure to our residents.

We are working closely with the Eastern Ontario Health Unit, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Community Health Program, our medical director, the Ministry of Longterm Care, and we are following our Infection Prevention and Control policies. Also, our enhanced infection prevention and control measures remain in place such as symptom screening our residents and team members a minimum of twice daily, terminal cleaning of high touch surfaces four times a day, ensuring that all our staff are wearing masks, face shields, and personal protective equipment, and revisiting our infection prevention and control protocols to ensure they are being strictly followed.

Visitor restrictions will remain in place at Tsiionkwanonhso:te, and we will reassess and update the community weekly.


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