A Voice from the Eastern Door


During a post-COVID era, winch boat racing could occur on the St. Lawrence River between Cornwall Island and City of Cornwall, upstream of Cornwall Marina 2000. A winch fitted to the boat is connected by towing cable to a retired former bridge pier, of which several exist along the river. When the boat pilot lowers a waterwheel into the river current, the waterwheel drives the winch to pull the boat upstream. A line up of several boats each based on a bathtub would race against each other.

Each boat pilot would wear a life preserver and each boat would be restricted to the width of a bathtub, with unrestricted boat length and depth along with unrestricted innovation in hull design. Competing boats would carry sponsor advertising, including sponsor flags. The fast current along Cornwall’s waterfront makes the location ideal for winch boat racing, attracting contestants from across the region. Spectators have plenty of space on either side of the river racecourse to congregate to take in the action on the river.

Harry Valentine, Cornwall


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