A Voice from the Eastern Door

Graduating Class of 2020 have bright futures in a difficult time

Joseph Barnes, son of Laura & Clayton Barnes, has plans to go into the culinary program at Algonquin College; he found his passion for cooking in the course of his studies in high school, much like Jace Cook, son of Kelly Cook & David Arquette, who is also going onto culinary at the same college. Both of these gentlemen graduated this year and were at the Friday, July 31st drive-by graduation ceremony that commemorated all the graduates in Akwesasne. They got their photographs taken, received their recognition certificate as well a gift certificate and a gift bag.

Having full power over your life decisions is the driving force of many young people, they yearn to grow up and have the control over their life and to make decisions for themselves. Brittney and Bridgett Lazore, daughters of Tricia Skidders and Francis Lazore, both plan on working for a while before getting back to school.

Brittney plans to enter into carpentry, "Four years of classes in school have prepared her well, Sandra M. Rourke, Secondary Student Services Co-Ordinator, for the past 23 years said, "She is very talented".

While Bridgett is planning on taking some courses at Iohahi:io, still looking for her path in life, that is a good thing; sometimes it takes a while for someone to find their career.

The Akwesasne Mohawk Board of Education has a goal of helping their students find success and achieving their goals and dreams. Donna Wahienha:wi Lahache, Director of Education, is passionate about celebrating the accomplishment of the graduates of 2020. The celebration that became more important because of the hurdles of dealing with COVID-19 virus and its subsequent shut down of all schools and numerous services across the country. The graduation ceremony had to be reorganized from previous years, where AMBE would show their support for the graduating Akwesasronon by taking part of the numerous ceremonies happening in the respective secondary schools they decided to honor graduates as a whole at the Akwesasne Mohawk School grounds. The province wide shut down and the cancellation of all graduation ceremonies, the plan was made to find new ways of celebrating the graduates of 2020, the Friday July 31st AMBE Drive By Ceremony was the result. It was a culmination of hard work of students, teachers and advisors to getting students to begin their independence and finding their way in the world. The world which this year has been scarier than most, with the worldwide pandemic and the uncertainty that comes with the upheaval.

The year was complicated by the fact that the students had to contend with online classes and work that can be difficult to complete when students are forced to learn outside of the classroom. The fact that AMBE has 49 graduates to celebrate is quite extraordinary, and the students that have overcome such obstacles shows fortitude and determination.

Rourke has mentored many students through rough patches in their academic career and rejoiced in their triumphs.

"Every class is different, it's a fluid position (Rourke is speaking of her job), the ultimate goal is to get them across the (graduation) line."

She has pride in her student's accomplishments, she sees positive exemplars in students under her care, people that have passion to succeed and are great supports for other students' achievements.

Much like our people have fought for control of our destiny, the graduates will now be in control of their future. Ms. Rourke is right to be proud, with more than half of her students going into College or University programs following graduation, the rest getting right to work. This is all about enriching the workforce in Akwesasne, widening our opportunities for advancement of our people, as a sovereign and self-determined community .

There were 31 CCVS graduates this year as well as 4 from AMBE Foundations, 11 students from Iohahi:io, 1 from TR Leger, 1 from St. Lawrence SS and 1 graduate from St. Joseph's Secondary School. We live in a time where good news is rare and we must indulge ourselves in enjoying our positive moments.

Some let-down is a possibility when you are going for your dreams and Sandra M. Rourke says that, "They need to know that if I am not being successful to pick yourself up, dust yourself and start again."

Persistence and fortitude are benchmarks to success, believing in yourself is also imperative, never allowing any obstacle to block your way to achieving your goals.

Graduation is a prodigious experience; you have finally accomplished all your work for the year and the years preceding. It may lead you to taking up a trade or going onto college /university or even entering the workforce for the first time. All these paths are valuable and have great promise for the community of Akwesasne as well the prospects of our students that are the future of the Mohawk people. It can be a long emotional journey to graduate, you overcome the struggles, whether they are academic, emotional, psychological, physical, intellectual or academic, the lessons you gain can aid you in finding your way in life. The world can be a dark place these days, but these graduates have shown that there is a bright light at the end of the dark tunnel. We believe in you all 2020 Graduates; you have shown us how hard work can pay off and it looks like you will make your positive mark on the world. Nia:wen for being a positive example, and good luck on your future endeavors.


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