A Voice from the Eastern Door
How the turtle got a long neck and it came to be known that turtle soup is delicious – Part 4
91. Tahatakia'tatihéntho - He pulled himself
92. É:ren'k na'tethokierà:ton tsi wa'tharahsarónnion - His body is facing in different positions and he braced with his feet
93. Kháre ó:nen ok thaharen'totónnion - Suddenly now he tumbled
94. Shé:kon ki' Í:iah tehokwénion ne aonsahatóhtshi - Still he is not able to get out
95. Né:'e khok wa'karihwakwé:ni tsi wahoniarésha'ne - The only thing that happened as a result is that his neck gotten long
96. Ó:nen ki' sénha wahonà:khwen - Now he is even more angry
97. Tsi ní:ioht tsi sénha tahona'khwénhsere eh tho ki' ní:ioht tsi sénha wa'tha'tarihenhserón:kohte - The more he is getting angry, the more he sweat
98. Kháre ki ó:nen raia'takwé:kon tó:k nikahstá:ras tsi niho'tarihén:'en - By now, all over his body, there are wet drops he is so warm
99. Á:ienhre tóka tehoia'tahnekónkies tsi nihona'khwén:'en - It seems as though his body is boiling he is so angry
100. Tsi niió:re tsi tehoia'tahnekónkies - For as long as he got excited (his body is boiling)
101. Kháre ó:nen tó:k niió:re kahrhakónhshon iahonwaia'táswen - Throughout the forest, they smelled his body
102. Tho niwenserò:ten tsi ní:ioht ne a'nó:wara watkátston - It is the same type of smell as turtle soup
103. Tahonteswahtánion ne kahrhá:kon thatinákere - They are smelling it in the woods where they live
104. Tánon wahontonhkária'ke - And they did get hungry
105. Sok tahonteken'sé:ra ónhka iakokhón:ni - So they came to look to see who is cooking
106. Kwah ki' ken'nikariwésha, ohnà:ken ó:nen kí:ken ohkwá:ri wahó:tenhre ne a'nó:wara - Just a short time later, now this bear felt sorry for turtle
107. Ia'thorihwaién:ta'se ne ahohsnié:nen aonsahatóhtshi - He came to the conclusion that he ought to help him to get out
108. Khiehotswà:ton tsi ra'nowà:ke tahaié:na - He grabbed on his shell
109. Tánon tahoia'tatihéntho - And he pulled his body
110. Tsi niió:re tsi wahahkwísron tsi tahoia'tatihéntho - He worked until he pulled his body out
111. Sok wahoniarésha'ne kí:ken a'nó:wara - Then this turtle got a long neck
112. Kháre ki' ó:nen eh tho na'énsha'ne ne raoniá:ra tsi ní:ioht ne kaná:kare - In time, his neck became long like a pole
113. Eh tho ki' nikahá:wis ó:nen kwah "kiaks" wa'kèn:ron - At that time now it just snapped ("Kiáks" it said)
114. Tsi tontahatenontsistóhtshia'te kí:ken onawa'tstà:ke - He pulled his head out of the mud
115. Ostón:ha ki' ionsontáweia'te ne raoniá:ra, nek tsi iáh ki' nonwén:ton kwah otokén:'en thiehétso tsi nihoniarò:ten'ne - His neck went back in a little but it didn't ever get back to the type of neck he used to have
116. Í:iah ki' thok teiawén:'en - That is not the only thing that happened
117. Niió:re a'nión tsi ratatkweniénhstha - As long as he is stuck up
118. Kwah io'tshá:tote tsi na'tehoia'tahnekónkies - His body is steaming with excitement
119. Tsi rotatena'kón:ni - He is making himself mad
120. Tánon onawa'tstà:ke rate:seres - And he is crawling in the mud
121. Eh tho ki' iá:ken nikiawé:non tsi onhontsiakwé:kon - They say that is what happened back then on earth
122. Iakotokénhse tsi nikanontarákon ne a'nó:wara aiontkátstonhkwe tóka karì:wes tekahnekonkiéhton - It became known that turtle soup is good soup if it is boiled long enough
123. Tsi nahoià:tawen ne rokstén:ha a'nó:wara kiorihonní:'on tsi akwé:kon ne a'nó:wara rotiniareshá:'on - Whatever happened to that old turtle is the reason that all the turtles have long necks
124. Thikiawenhstsí:'on tsi akwé:kon wahontatena'kón:ni tánon wahotiniarésha'ne - All of a sudden they all made themselves mad and their necks got long
125. I:iah tehonaterièn:tare oh nonkié:ren tsi eh tho na'á:wen - They do not know why it happened
126. Tho ki' náhe shikarihwanákere tsi tóka rotatena'kón:ni ne a'nó:wara eh tho ki' na'tehotèn:tshon ne ok thaiontenontarónnia'te - Since then it has been known that if the turtle makes himself mad, he deserves to just be used in soup
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