A Voice from the Eastern Door


Starting July 13, Monday Bingo will resume at the OFA. Due to COVID –19, Bingo will be outside in the parking lot. Anything is better than nothing, am I right?

We will have 20 parking spots available and you must call to reserve.

Here are the rules for safety:

1. You must leave a space empty between vehicles, this follows the 6ft apart rule.

2. One person per vehicle or 2 allowed if quarantined together, if not quarantined then one

person in the front and one in the back.

3. MASKS are MANDATORY AT ALL TIMES if there is more than one person in the car.

BINGO Boxes will be handed out that will include your cards, water, snacks, wipes and tissue. The boxes you will be able to keep and use to dab your cards on. You must supply your own dabber. The next time you join a refill bag will be available.

Games will take place from 1:00 pm-2:00 pm. The parking lot will be open at 12:30 pm.

This will be our first run through to see how it goes and where improvements need to be made. We welcome your input.

To reserve your spot, please call Joy at 518-358-2963 ext. 3310


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