A Voice from the Eastern Door

Oh Niiawèn:'en Ne Ohrió:ken Tsi Rothahonniánion - 4

How the Chipmunk Got His Stripes – Part 4

1. "Kí:ken Ohkwá:ri khiatehorihwarà:'on takarahkwíneken'ne" - "This Bear is silly , the sun came up"

2. "Kí:ken Ohkwá:ri rohshwa'tahtsherá:ien, takarahkwíneken'ne" - "This Bear is foolish, the sun came up"

3."Kí:ken Ohkwá:ri í:iah teho'nikòn:ra Karáhkwa" - "This Bear is stupid, the sun"

4. WHOMP! Kí:ken Ohkwári rahsi'tà:ke wa'thonon'wáre'ke ne Ken'nihrà:'a athéhsa nihaia'tò:ten Aró:sen - Whomp! This Bear's big foot came down on the little brown Squirrel

5. Kahentà:ke wa'kioia'tò:rarake - It pinned his body to the ground

6. Kí:ken Ohkwá:ri ákta iaháttate tánon wa'thátskarahwe - Bear leaned over and opened his huge mouth

7."Hén" wa'thohén:rehte "takarahkwíneken'ne" - "Yes" he yelled "the sun did come up"

8. "Hen, wakahshwa'tahtsherá:ien" - "Yes, I am foolish"

9. "Nè:'k tsi í:iah thahsónhnheke ne aonsahsatkátho ne taontakarahkwíneken'ne" - "But you will not live to see another sunrise"

10. "Í:iah ó:ni nonwén:ton ne akó:ren taonsahshe'nikonhrhá:ren" - "You will never tease anyone else again"

11. "Nè:'e tsi ì:i Ohkwá:ri enkkariò:take" - "Because I, Bear, am going to eat you"

12. Athéhsa nihaia'tò:ten Aró:sen iohshnó:re wahanonhtonnión:ko - Brown Squirrel thought fast

13. "Tkaiéri ne enhske'wà:rake" wahèn:ron - "You are correct to eat me" he said.

14. "Í:iah tetkaié:ri tsi wa'tkon'nikonhrá:ren, tha'konié:ron" - "I was not correct that I bothered you, teased you"

15. "Í:kehre akì:ron í:iah tewaka'nikonhrón:ni ohén:ton tsi niió:re enhske'wà:rake" - "I want to apologize before you eat me"

16. "Nè:'k tsi sótsi iohní:ron tsi tehskia'tohrará:kon" - "But you are pressing down on me too hard"

17. "Í:iah thaón:ton othé:nen akì:ron" - "I cannot say anything"

18. "Kwáh í:iah othé:nen thaón:ton akì:ron ne aontakatá:ti" - "I can not say anyting at all"

19. "Kwáh í:iah thaón:ton aontakatón:rie" - "I cannot even breath"

20. "Tóka shí:ken nè:'k ne ohstón:ha ahsahrahsi'takará:tate, thó:ne ó:nen enwá:ton enhskatón:rie" - "If you would lift up on your paw just a little bit"

21. "Thó:ne ó:nen enwá:ton enhskatón:rie" - "Then I could take a deep breath again"

22. "Tánon enhskoniatathrewáhten ohén:ton tsi niió:re enhske'wà:rake" - "And apologize before you eat me"

23. "Tkanikonhraié:ri" wahèn:ron ne Ohkwá:ri - "That is a good idea" said Bear

24. "Akenòn:we'ne aonkwathón:te'ne aonsahskwatathrewáhten ohén:ton tsi niió:re enkon'wà:rake" - "I would like to hear you apologize before I eat you"

25. Sò:'k ki' ne Ohkwá:ri onrahsi'takará:tate - So Bear lifted his paw

26. Nè:'k tsi í:iah tetsiotathrewahtén:ni - "But instead of apologizing"

27. Athéhsa nihaia'tò:ten Aró:sen onté:ko - Brown Squirrel ran away

28. Wa'tharáhtate - He ran

29. Wa'tharáhtate tsi niiokwénion tsi nihaia'tahshnó:re tsi niió:re ne kionenia'tstóhkote tsi nón:we thonónhsote - He ran as fast as he could toward the pile of stones where his house was

30. Iohwharakà:ronte nà:kon kí:ken onén:ia - He had a tunnel under those stones

31. Tánon ioiánere, io'taríhen, tsi iontahsehtáhkhwa, a'é:ren niió:re ohóntsiakon - And a nice, warm burrow deep underground

32. Ken'nihrà:'a athéhsa nihaia'tò:ten Aró:sen rohsótha thó íkiete kahnhohákta - The little brown Squirrel's grandmother stood there near the door

33. Ronwahrhá:re - She is waiting for him

34. "Óksa, athéhsa nihaia'tò:ten Aró:sen" iahonwén:nonke, "Óksa, óksa!" - "Hurrying brown Squirrel" she called to him "Hurry, hurry!"

35. Ken'nihrà:'a athéhsa nihaia'tò:ten Aró:sen iahakia'tón:ti tsi kiohnhokà:ronte ne raonónhsa - Little brown Squirrel dove for the doorway at his house


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