A Voice from the Eastern Door
The Chipmunk Story
29.Wahonnì:ron, "Wísk, teiotonhontsióhon ahsatakién:hahse tsi nahò:ten ne tsi niióhseres aó:wen" - They said, "Wísk it is necessary for you to store for the winter"
30."Eh tho ki' nikiéhrha," wahèn:ron ne Wísk - "That is what I am doing" said Wísk
31. Tsi ó:nen ontohseróhetste sok wa'karonhió:roke tánon onthó:rate - Now the year passed so it got cloudy and cold
32. Òn:keren'ne ó:ni tánon akwé:kon wa'kaniehtó:roke tsi nahò:ten ká:ien ne onhontsià:ke - It snowed also and everything on earth was covered in snow
33. Wa'kawíserate ne kahiónhakon - The creek froze
34."Wísk, ká:ts tasatáweia't," wahonnì:ron ne shakotsi'okón:'a - "Wísk, come here, come inside" said his siblings
35."Ó:nen wa'óhserate tánon sótsi iowísto ne átste ahsè:sheke" - "It is now winter and it is too cold for you to remain outside"
36. "Teiotonhontsiohón:ne aiesateweièn:tonke ne satennà:tshera nek tsi ó:nen ki' sótsi ohnà:ken ne eh tho náhsiere" - "You needed to put away your food but now it is too late for your to do that"
37. "Nia'té:kon oià:shon nahò:ten wakatakién:hahse," wahèn:ron ne Wísk - "I stored away other things" said Wísk
38. "Akwé:kon tsi nahò:ten ne ioiáneres wakateweièn:ton" - "It is all nice what I put away"
39. É:so wenhniserá:ke ohnà:ken ó:nen ne ohrhió:ken shakoti'nisténha wa'ì:ron, "Há:ke tsi iawentónnia tsi na'tekiò:karas tsi tewèn:teron" - Later one day the mother chipmunk said, "My gosh it is dark where we live"
40. "Kwah seronhkè:nek khia'tekkahraién:tas tsi niió:re tsi tekiò:karas" - "I can hardly see it is so dark"
41. "Í:'I ó:ni eh tho niionkwaià:tawens," wahonnì:ron ne akohwá:tsire - "Us too, it happens to us there" said her family
42. "Kwáh nek ne ionkwatahsatará:ni tsi kwá:kens" - "We only see our shadow"
43. "Í:iah ní:'i tekentón:nis," wahèn:ron ne Wísk - "I am not lonesome" said Wísk
44. "Né:'e skehià:ras tsi nahò:ten ní:'i wakatakié:ni - "I only remember what I have stored away"
45. "Kè:iare tsi niwahsohkwí:ios wakatkáhthon ne shikanennà:ke" - "I remember the nice colors I saw when it was fall"
46. 'Sewatahónhsatat sok enkwakaratón:hahse tsi nahò:ten wakatkáhthon" - "You listen then I will tell you a story of what I saw"
47. Sok ki' wahshakokaratón:hahse - The he told them a story
48. "É:so iahia'kserá:ke ohnà:ken ó:nen" ne ohrhió:ken ronwa'níha wahèn:ron, "Nio, tsi tekaterien'takárias ní:'I ó:nen kíken kiokontáhkwen iothó:re tánon iaó:te" - "A lot of weeks before now," his father said "My, I am restless now that it is always cold and windy"
49. "Nek ié:ken wakathón:te tsi wenná:kahre ne ó:wera" - "That is all I hear the wind whistling"
50. "I:'i ó:ni" wahonnì:ron ne raohwá:tsire - "Me too" said his family
51. "Í:iah ní:'i né:'e tewakathón:te," wahèn:ron ne Wísk - "I don't hear it" said Wísk
52. "Né:'e kè:iahre tsi nahò:ten ní:'i wakatakié:ni - "I remember what I stored away"
53. "Nia'té:kon nahò:ten ion'wé:sen wakathonté:'on ne shikanennà:ke" - "Many things that I hear are nice"
54. "Sewatahónhsatat sok enkwakaratón:hahse" - "Listen, I shall tell you"
55. Eh tho ki' nahá:iere - That is all he did
56. Sénha é:so iahia'kserá:ke ohnà:ken ó:nen ne rontate'ken'okón:'a wahontatena'kón:ni - Many more weeks before now their bothers and sisters made themselves mad
57. "Wakaterihonkóhtani ó:nen tsi kiokontáhkwen iothó:re tánon iowísto" - "I am sick and tired of the cold It is always cold"
58. Wahèn:ron ne Wísk, "Shé:kon nikè:iahre tsi nahò:ten ní:'I wakatakién:ni" - Wísk said, "I still remember what I put away"
59. "Kè:iahre tsi nahò:ten kattó:ka'skwe ne shikanennà:ke" - "I remember what I used to see in the fall"
60. "Sewatahónhsatat sok enkwakaratón:hahse" - "Listen then I will tell you"
61. Tsi ó:nen wahshakohró:ri sok wahonnì:ron ne raohwá:tsire, "Nio, tsi ioiánere tsi nahò:ten satakién:ni" - When he told them, then his family said, "My it is nice what you stored away"
62. Wahèn:ron ne ro'níha, "É:so wetewahsò:kwake tánon wetewan'enhake" - His father said, "we ate a lot of nuts We ate a lot of seeds"
63. "Shé:kon í:iah teionkwatshennón:ni né:' tsi ó:ia nahò:ten ó:ni' teiotonhontsióhon" - "Still, we are not happy because something else was necessary"
64. "Teiotonhontsióhon káti aietewehià:rake tsi niióhskats tánon ion'wé:sen tsi nahò:ten rohsa'ánion ne aietewatkáhtho, aionkwathón:te'ne tánon aietewáttoke" - It is necessary for us to remember how beautiful it is and how nice it is what He has made for us to see, for us to hear and for us to smell"
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