A Voice from the Eastern Door

Tsi Nénhsiere Tsi Entehsatatéhnhe

1. Tsi nénhsiere tsi entehsatatéhnhe - How to protect yourself

2. Ne tóhsa aesanonhwákten - Don't get sick

3. Kí:ken kahnhratarì:nes - This epidemic

4. Corona konwá:iats - It is called Corona

5. Sahtsioharéhshek iotká:te! - Keep washing your hands often!

6. Ononharè:tha tánon iononhwataríhen í:satst! - Use soap and warm water!

7. Tewáhsen seconds nikarì:wes - For 20 seconds

8. Se'rhó:rok ne tsitshakà:ronte! - Cover your mouth

9. Nó:nen enhsáhsa'ke - When you cough

10. Tóka ó:ni tesen'tsionhstánions - Or when you are sneezing

11. Ionttsi'nionhkerokewáhtha kanà:tsiakon iensá:ti! - Throw tissues in a closed container!

12. Senoharéhshek iotká:te tsi nón:we thikió:konte iehotiié:nen tóka ó:ni wátston! - Keep washing places where where they always touch or use!

13. Tóka sanonhwáktani tsi'terón:tak! - If you are sick, stay home!

14. Tóhsa tensewahsonterakiéhshon onhkaré:shon rotinonhwaktanión:ni - Don't mingle with people who are sick

15. Serihwahseronniánion tahonwatihshnie ne ratiksa'okòn:'a - Make plans to care for children

16. Tóka shí:ken ne tsi ionteweienstahkhwaniónhkhwa tánon ne ken'nihonná:sa'as tsi nón:we nihonteweiénstha enkahnhó:tonke - If schools and day cares are closed

17. Tsi sanónhsote nonkwá:ti saió'te tóka shí:ken ónhka ne skáthne sewèn:teron iakononhwáktani! - Work at your house if someone you live with is sick

18. Shninónnion ne kakhwahshòn:'a tsi niká:ien í:iah ísi khieiakokiéhtha - Buy non-perishable foods

19. Ononhar:tha, ohsnónhsa ienonhare'táhkhwa tánon ionttsi'nionhkerokewáhtha - Soap, hand sanitizer and tissues

20. Tóhsa kanèn:rakon enhsaterakénrie - Don't mingle in crowds

21. Tóhsa enietshiríhon ne ietshiio'okòn:'a onatshi'okòn:'a akonnonhwétha - Don't allow your children to sleep over with their friends

22. Tewataten'nikòn:raren - We all should take care of ourselves

23. Akwé:kon ionkwata'kariióhak! - Let's all be healthy!


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