A Voice from the Eastern Door

Onkwehón:we Ratiiénthos Enhonkia'tarò:roke Enníska 22

Native Farmers Will Gather February 22

1. Ahkwesáhsne - Place where the partridge live

2. Kawenohhowanèn:ne - Cornwall Island

3. Ronathahón:ni - Onkwehón:we Othorè:ke Nonkwá:ti Tsi Iaonhwéntsiaien Tehontstikhwhas Tsi Ionteweienstahkhwa'kó:wa - Native North American Traveling College (NNATC)

4. Enhonwatihonkarawíhon - They will invite them

5. Thi ionkwehonwehseraténion - The different Native nations of people

6. Enhonkia'tarò:roke - They will gather

7. Enníska niwenhnitò:ten - The month of February

8. Tewáhsen tékeni enhská:ra'ne - The date will be the 22nd

9. Awenhtákta - Saturday

10. Kióhton niiohwistá:'e ohrhonkè:ne - 9 am in the morning

11. Tsi niió:re ne kaié:ri niiohwistà:'e iotohétston nénkie - Until 4 pm in the afternoon

12. Onkwehón:we ratiiénthos enhontakià:thewe ahonwatirihónnien - Indigenous farmers will arrive to teach

13. Ó:ni tsi nihá:ti sénha ronatóweienston ratiiénthos - Also the ones that are learning to be farmers

14. Ne aorihón:ni ne aetewaién:tho ne iorihwakaión:'on ne kanénha tóhsa aónhton - The purpose is to plant our ancient seeds so they don't become extinct

15. Stephen McComber enhatá:ti oh ní:ioht enhsiéntho énhtshere ne karáhkwa tsi í:we - Stephen McComber will speak on planting according to the moon

16. Kaniehtenhá:wi eniontá:ti oh ní:ioht entewatenenhateweièn:ton - Rowen White will speak about how we all should save seeds

17. Na'teiotikióhkwake ne kanénha rotiienawá:kon - They have been holding onto a variety of seeds

18. Ronnéhsak ahonwatiié:nawa'se ok ní:ioht tsi ahontenenhateweien'tónnion - They are looking for people who will help to preserve the seeds

19. Entá:on'k akwé:kon ne onkwehón:we enhatiiéntho - It is a must that all Native people plant

20. Entá:on'k enhontatenenhateweien'tón:hahse - They must put seeds away for themselves

21. Aesewathontátsheke aeskakia'táhrhahse - Please join us

22. Ó:nen ieióhe ne ska'nikòn:ra aonsetewaiéntho - It is time for all of us to plant again

23. Tóka íhsehre sénha é:so ahserihwatshén:ri - If you want more information

24. Sátkens ne: https://www.sovereignseeds.org/events - Look at: https://www.sovereignseeds.org/events


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