Early Year class for Highest Percentage of Attendance enjoying their Pizza Rolls as a reward. Photo: Derrick Lafrance.
Student of the Month Award winners for Grades 1 through 5. L-R: Kayla Benedict, Kiia Lazore, Anna Bella Thompson, Teharonkwathe Johnson- Benedict and Haley Hutt-Benedict. Missing: Diem Thompson, Jimmy Tarbell and Myles Thompson-Yackobeck. Photo: Derrick Lafrance.
Student of the Month Award winners for Middle School. L-R: Aliyah Point, Tewatahsatarakie David, Kakwirawaks Lafrance and Hayden Skidders. Photo: Derrick Lafrance.
Middle School Highest Percentage of Attendance - Grade Six. Photo: Derrick Lafrance.
Student of the Month for Early Years - Lilly Square. A sick bug swept through the schools! And her absent co-winners were Isabelle Bryant, Alijah Boots and Daycia Billings. Photo: Derrick Lafrance.
Junior/Primary class with Highest Percentage of Attendance - Grade 3B. Photo: Derrick Lafrance.
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