10 Matters That Native People Believe and Follow
Ieráhstha (drawing by): Kiawentí:io
1. Sherihwakweniénhstak Ionkhi’nisténha Onhwéntsia! - The Earth is our Mother, care for her
2. Shenorónhkhwak ne sewatátenonhkwe! - Honor all your relations
3. Se’nikónhrakon tánon satonhnhetsherá:kon naontá:we tatshenonhwará:ton ne Shonkwaia’tíson - Open your mind and soul to the Creator
4. Akwé:kon ne tsi naho’tèn:shon konnónhne karihwanó:ron, sherihwakweniénhstak! - All life is sacred; treat all beings with respect
5. Thó:’k ní:kon iahá:sha nonhwentsià:ke tsi ní:kon énhsatste, tóhsa enhsakié:sahte - Take from the Earth what is needed and nothing more
6. Saió’ten tsi nahò:ten teiotonhontsióhon ne akwé:kon ahotiianeráhsten - Do what needs to be done for the good of all
7. Khia’tewenniserá:ke tehtshenonhwará:ton ne Shonkwaia’tíson - Give constant thanks to the Creator for each day
8. Orihwí:io tasatá:ti tsi niionkwe’tí:io ne onkwehshón:’a kawenní:ios í:satst nó:nen ónhkak enhsheiathrória’te - Speak the truth; but only of the good in others
9. Ítshehr tsi ní:ioht tsi teiotkahrhatenionhákie ne onhwéntsia enhsatkétsko nó:nen entkarahkwíneken’ne tánon ensén:ta’we nó:nen ienkaráhkwen’ne - Follow the rhythms of nature; rise and retire with the sun
10. Satonhnhá:ren tsi ní:ioht tis sonhnhékie né:’k tsi tóhsa ne wahétken tenhsaienonnihá:ton - Enjoy life’s journey but leave no trash
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