A Voice from the Eastern Door

Sherihwakweniénstak Ne Áhsen Nikontate'kén:'a!

Respect the 3 Sisters

1. Wahón:nise tsi náhe - Long ago

2. Áhsen nikontate'kén:'a - 3 sisters

3. Kahéhtakon tkontì:teron - They live there in a big garden

4. Ken'niiaká:'a iontè:seres - The youngest is crawling

5. Óhonte niwahsohkò:ten iakokia'tawì:ton - She has on a green dress

6. Tekeníhaton kontate'kén:'a - The second sister

7. Otsì:nekwar niwahsohkò:ten iakokia'tawì:ton - She has on a yellow dress

8. Kiekowá:nen - She is the oldest

9. Otsì:nekwar niiakononhkwiserò:ten. - Her hair is yellow

10. Iehnén:ies - She is tall

11. Kahontarà:ken niwahsohkò:ten iakokia'tawì:ton - She has on a light green dress

12. Kiótkon konwati'nikòn:rare - She is always watching over them

13. Tekontatenorónhkhwa - They love each other

14. Í:iah nonwén:ton tha'teionatekháhsion - They have never been apart

15. Wahokè:tohte ne raksá:'a - A boy arrived

16. Áhsen nikontate'kén:'a wahonwanòn:we'ne - The 3 sisters liked him

17. Ó:nen í:non shontkenhnhenhá:wi - Then into the summer

18. Tsieià:ta wa'onkia'táhton - One of them got lost

19. Wa'oti'nikonhráksen - They became sad

20. Wa'akotiia'tí:sake ne akoti'kén:'a - They missed their younger sister

21. Kanenna'kè:ne khiahón:ton - It became fall

22. Tontá:re thí:ken raksá:'a - This boy came back

23. Tekeníhaton kontate'kén:'a saionkia'táhton - The second sister disappeared

24. Saiakotá:tenre ne iehnén:ies - Just the one who is tall is left

25. Iako'nikonhráksens - She is sad

26. Ken' nisewenhniseresónhsa - The days are shorter

27. Wahsontanóhstha - The nights are cooler

28. Ó:nen tsi niieienthókwas nikahá:wis - It is now harvest time

29. Raksá:'a á:re sahokè:tohte - The boy again appeared

30. Wahothón:te'ne tsi tekionhsénthos - He heard her crying there

31. Wahshakó:tenhre - He pitied her

32. Wa'tehshakoià:tahkwe - He picked her up

33. Iahshakoia'ténhawe - He carried her

34. Tsi nón:we thnì:teron ne ronwaién:'a - Where his parents live

35. Ion'wé:sen tsi nikiononhsataríhen - The house is nice and warm

36. Wa'akonehrá:ko - She got surprised

37. Wa'konwatí:ken - She saw them

38. Ítkene's ne konwati'ken'okón:'a - Her younger sisters are there

39. Tetsiá:ron ionata'karí:te - Both of them are healthy

40. Wa'kontshennón:ni - They are all very happy

41. Í:iah ki' nonwén:ton ónhka tha'teskonwatikháhsion - No one has ever separated them

42. Áhsen nikontate'kén:'a konwatiniahé:sen - The 3 sisters are relied upon

43. Osahè:ta ne ken'niiaká:'a óhonte niiakokia'tawi'tsherò:ten - The beans are the little ones in the green dress

44. Onon'ónsera né:'e ne otsì:nekwar niiakokia'tawi'tsherò:ten - The squash is the one in the yellow dress

45. Ó:nenhste ne kiekowá:nen - The corn is the oldest

46. Kahontarà:ken niiakokia'tawi'tsherò:ten - She is the one in the light green dress

47. Otsì:nekwar niiakononhkwiserò:ten - She has yellow hair

48. Kiohnhéhkwen iethina'tónhkhwa - We call them our life sustainers

49. Sherihwakweniénstak ne áhsen nikontate'kén:'a! - Respect the 3 sisters!

50. Tóhsa sakié:saht ne satennà:tshera - Never waste your food!


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