A Voice from the Eastern Door

Tri District Elders Bus to the NYS Fair

There will be a bus to the New York State Fair, Friday, August 30, 2019. The bus will be leaving from the Tri District Elders building on Kawehnoke at 8:00 a.m.

Please take note, not at the Peace Tree Mall.

The bus will not be making any stops on the U.S. portion of Akwesasne. Everyone is required to have their status cards and/or identification for the U.S. Customs.

The cost for members of the Tri District Elders is $10.00 to reserve your seat.

The cost for community members to ride the bus is $35.00.

Elders and community members must call the Tri District Elders to have their name put on the list for the bus. The number for the Tri District Elders is 613- 938-0477.

Please leave a voice mail message with your name and phone number.

Elders and community members can make payments on Wednesday, August 21st and Wednesday, August 28th at the Tri District building from 9a.m. to 3:30 p.m.


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