A Voice from the Eastern Door
1. 6 na'tekahsí:nonte ne kaia'tà:ke - It has 6 legs attached on its body
2. 3 na'tekaià:kon ne kaia'tà:ke - It has 3 body parts on its body
3. Tekontinerahontshón:ton - It has wings attached
4. Teiotinà:karonte - It has antennae attached
5. Aoià:ta - Its body
6. Aohsiahón:ta - Its abdomen
7. Aonerahóntsha - Its wing
8. Aohsí:na - Its leg
9. Aonón:tsi - Its head
10. Aokà:ra - Its eye
11. Aonà:kara - Its antenna
12. Aókhwa - Its food
13. Kiótkon watonhkáriaks - It is always hungry
14. Tenkontí:ten nenhskonté:ko - They fly away to escape
15. Kontíkies nó:nen kontikhwísaks - They fly when they look for food
16. Kakwitè:ne nikahá:wi konni'nhónhso - In spring time they lay eggs
17. O'nhónhsa - It is an egg
18. Nikioión:ha - It is a larva
19. Iekaia'taié:ri - It is an adult
20. Áhsen na'tenwatté:ni tsi niió:re ienkaia'taié:ri'ne - It will change 3 times until it will complete its body
21. Wa'tewani'nhónhsia'ke - It hatched (the egg did break)
22. Nikioién:ha í:iah tha'tekontinerahontshón:ton. - The larva does not have wings attached
23. Enwathwe'nón:ni tsi wakia'taráhkhwa - It will wrap itself in a cocoon
24. Iotón:'on iekaia'taié:ri - It will be an adult
25. Nó:nen enwatitáhko - When it will get out
26. Seweientéhta'n ne otsi'nonwahshón:'a! - Learn more about insects!
27. Tsi ní:ioht tsi iohnhékie - And how they live
28. ó:kiake iakotihsnié:nons tánon kaia'takehnhátshera - Some are helpful and beneficial
29. ó:kiake wa'onkhiiataweià:ten tánon tekonti'nikonhrháhrha - Some did invade and are troublemakers
30. Rontonhse's ó:ni ne ioti'nowakéhte ensatensatera'shwí:ioste - Some say ladybugs are good luck
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