A Voice from the Eastern Door

Wahontatewenní:io'ne Awenhnísera

1. Wentanorón:ne - It was a holiday

2. Ohiarihkó:wa - July

3. Kaié:ri shiská:rahkwe - 4th was the date

4. Rontenhnikonhroria'táhkhwa - They celebrate

5. Shahontatowenní:io'ne - When they became free

6. Skáthne - Together

7. Tahontén:rohwe - They united

8. Ne áhsen iawén:re nihononhwentsiá:ke - The 13 colonies

9. Wahontatowenní:io'ne - They did become free

10. Tsi Ohstonhró:non - As Americans

11. Wahón:ton - They became

12. Wahontatewenní:io'ne awenhnísera - Independence day

13. Kwáh ken'nihá:ti ne onkwehshón:'a í:iah entá:on'k thahotiió'ten eh nikahá:wi - Most people do not have to work that day

14. Tsi iontoweienstahkwahniónhkhwa kahnhotónnion - Schools are closed

15. Tsi ratihiatónhkwa kahnhotónnion - Offices are closed

16. Ókia'ke ne onkwehshón:'a ratinenhrahserón:ni - Some people have parades

17. Ókia'ke ne onkwehshón:'a átste tenhontskà:nhon - Some people have picnics

18. Ohstonhró:non enhatinia'tarohá:ren ne Ohstonhrohnéha átste nonkwá:ti tsi ratì:teron - Americans put up a flag outside their homes

19. Ronhtatakwahtánions - They have fireworks

20. Iorakaré:ni tánon ióhskats - It is very loud and beautiful


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