A Voice from the Eastern Door


Reprinted with permission from Traditional Teachings by the Native North American Travelling College

…continued from last week


There will be one Clan Warrior in each of the Five Nations. The duties of a Clan Warrior are to carry messages for their Sachems and to take up weapons in case of war or emergency. They shall not participate in the legislative body. However, they will watch the progress of the Council and if they see a Sachem take a course that is not advantageous to the people then he will notify the clan mothers. The women through their Clan Warriors shall warn the erring Sachem in an open Council. After three warnings the Clan Warrior acting upon the orders of the Clan Mothers shall discharge the Sachem and shall install another chosen by the Clan Mothers to take his place. When it is necessary a Sachem can perform the ceremony of conferring titles (Okayondonhtsherah). The people will give all messages to the Clan Warrior of their Nation to pass on to the Sachems of the League. It shall always be their duty to place the cases, questions and propositions of the people to the Council of the League.


In the case of death of a Clan Warrior, another shall be placed in his position by the same ceremony and at the same time by the Council of the League.



We are of one mind as you start on your journey. Once you were a Head Warrior of the Hotinonshonni, and the People trusted you to protect the nation and speak on their behalf.

(Funeral Ritual) We are now of one mind as you start on your journey. We release you for we know it is no longer possible for you to walk together with us on earth. We lay your body here, and we lay it away. We say to you, “Pass on to the place where the Creator dwells, let nothing happening here hinder you, do not let action while you were alive prevent your journey, let not the things which gave you pleasure slow you down, while you were here many feasts were given for you. All these things that were yours do not let them trouble you. Do not let your relatives and friends trouble your mind. Go in peace, disregarding all things.” To the relatives of the deceased:

“To you who were related to the deceased and those who were friends of the deceased, look to the path that will be yours one day. Because of this, watch yourselves as you go from place to place.

Do not be idle in your acts or with your words. Do not give way to evil behavior. One year is the time that you must abstain from unseemly activities but if you can not do this for ceremony, ten days is the length of time to regard these things for respect.”

continued next week...


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