A Voice from the Eastern Door


They graduated

1. Ronakiohkowá:nen - A large group

2. Ken'nithotiión:sa - They are young people

3. Rononkwehón:we - They are Native

4. Ahkwesahshró:non - They are from Ahkwesáhshne

5. Tékeni iawén:re tsi kahiá:ton - 12th grade

6. Wa'thontóhetste - They did pass (graduate)

7. Kiokiá'kton Kaniataratákie - Salmon River

8. Tánon Kentsiá:ke - And Massena

9. Tsi iontoweienstáhkhwa - School

10. Nón:we - Where

11. Kwáh ken'nihá:ti né:'e - Several of them that

12. Ne Onkwehonwehnéha raonatahkwénnia wáhontste - They wore Native outfits

13. Ókia'ke ne ratinekénteron - Several of the young men

14. Kastówa ronanonhwarorókhon - They wore Kastowas

15. Ókia'ke akwé:kon wahatíhsa - Several made it all

16. Wahati'níkhon raonatahkwénnia - They sewed their outfits

17. Iewatahkwennaié:ri - It is a complete outfit

18. Ohnóskon ionnà:ton - It is all made out of leather

19. Ióhskats - It is beautiful

20. Ne kwáh ken' nihá:ti - Several of them

21. Wa'thontóhetste - They did graduate

22. Kwáh é:neken - Quite high

23. Tsi nón:we aktónkie ne énska tenwen'niáwe wahotiién:ta'ne - They received almost 100

24. Tánon né:'e ne National Honor Society wahonwatihsennínion'te - And their names were in the National Honor Society

25. Kwáh é:so ronatshennón:ni - They are very happy

26. Tánon ronatonhnháhere - And they are content

27. Tsi ó:nen wa'thontóhetste - Now they have passed

28. Ókia'ke ákte nón:we - Several another place

29. Tsi iontoweienstahkwaniónhkwa - University

30. Sahontoweienstà:ne - They are going to school again


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