A Voice from the Eastern Door

Shakón:newe Ken'niiohontésha Ne Ohontsià:ke

1. Ki tehniksá:'a iatate'kén:'a - These 2 children are siblings

2. Kwáh í:ken tsi tehiatatenorónhkwa. - They love each other very much indeed

3. Ráonha raksá:'a rateweiénstha ne iottakwaríhsion tsi aharón:tate. - The young boy is studying how to shoot straight

4. Ó:nen ne ieksá:'a, takwaré:re ákta nen' né:'e ieró:roks atsia'któnkie. - Now the young girl is collecting clams near the river

5. Ó:nen ki sewenhnísera ki tehniksá:'a wa'thnirihotáhrhoke tsi nen' niiorì:wa takarihón:ni. - Now this day the two children disagreed over a small matter

6. Tsi niió:re tsi rotina'khwén:'en wahiatenatón:ti wa'thiatekháhsi - For as long as they are mad, they split up their village

7. Akaónha tsi tkarahkwíneken's nonkwá:ti niahá:'en. - She went in the direction where the sun comes up (the east)

8. Ok ne raksá:'a tsi ia'tewatshénthos ne karáhkwa nonkwá:ti niahá:re. - Then the young boy went in the direction where the sun sets (the west)

9. Ki karáhkwa ia'thakiá:karetste tsi niió:re iahaié:na ne onhwéntsia. - The sun stretched until he touched the earth

10. Sók wa'thatté:ni, rón:kwe wahá:ton - Then he changed and became a man

11. Ki eksá:'a wa'akonehrá:ko tsi nihoia'táhskats. - This girl became amazed at how handsome he is

12. Wahén:ron ne karáhkwa rón:kwe “Tesatonhontsió:ni kenh naonsátsken ne tsiatate'kén:'a?” - The sun man said, “Do you want to see your brother?”

13. Wa'ì:ron, "Hen, kwah í:ken tsi ne tewakatonhontsió:ni." - She said “Yes, I want that very much indeed”

14. Wahén:ron, “Sasáhket ki.” - He said “Go back then”

15. Kén'k náhe ki raksá:'a sahá:kete - In just a little while, this boy went back

16. Wahate'nién:ten nahshakóhsere ne rokén:’a. - He tried to follow his sister

17. Tsi iakothahitáhkhe eh thó ohahktónkie - As she is walking along the path

18. Kahihshón:'a wa'tkonnóhtka'we tsi iohrhienohkó:ton - Fruits are breaking through where there is brush

19. Wa'ontóhetste ki' aronhákien tsi niiontonhkária'ks. - She did pass this never mind she is hungry

20. Tsi niióhskats oh nahò:tenk wa'ontkáhtho - It is gorgeous what she saw

21. Ken’niwahiá:sa’s ken'niiohontésha, sók wa'eró:roke - She collected small fruit, strawberries

22. Wa'ì:ron "Iakiatate'kén:'a enhiiá:ianonte." - She said, “I shall feed my brother this fruit”

23. Tsi ionhiá:kwas wa'ontahrakétsko - As she is picking fruit, she raised her head

24. Tsi na'ontshennón:ni - She was so happy

25. Ken í:rate ne iatate'kén:'a - Her brother is standing right there

26. Sók ki eksá:'a iatate'kén:'a wahón:ion ne ken'niiohontésha. - Then this girl gave her brother the strawberries

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