A Voice from the Eastern Door

Kakwitè:ne Nikahá:wi Oká:ra

Spring Time Story

1. Ronakiohkowá:nen ne Ahkwesahshró:non - A large group of people from Ahkwesáhshne

2. Ne Tsinaíhne, Kaná:takon, Ahnawá:te, Kawehnohkowanén:ne, Otskwa’rhéhne tánon Satsherá:ti ratinakerénion - They live in Snye, St. Regis Village, Raquette Point, Cornwall Island, Frogtown and State Road

3. Ókia’ke ronthónkia’ks raotinonhsaktónkie - Some are mowing the grass around their house

4. Ratitsi’tsiaiénthos - They are planting flowers

5. Ratikwiraiénthos - They are planting trees

6. Iohshnó:re enthontáhsawen enhati’onwaraienthóhseron - Quickly they will start planting seedlings

7. Ohronwakónhshon tenhontohtahrhóhseron - They will clean the ditches

8. Tánon kahenta’kéhshon - And the fields

9. Ratiksa’okon:’a ó:ni átste enhóntshwa’te - The children are also playing outside

10. Ókia’ke tékeni teiokahkwèn:tonte, rotihonwì:sere - Some are riding bicycles

11. Tánon ókia’ke kaié:ri niiokahkwèn:tonte - And some four wheelers

12. Tehonto’tsinehtsheróntha otstenhrà:ke - They are skating on the cement

13. Ronakiohkowá:nen ó:ni ratiksa’okón:’a - A large number of children

14. Tehontatshenséhstha - They are playing baseball

15. Ne akehnhakwé:kon - All summer

16. Ókia’ke ronhriohkawí:nes - Some are fishing

17. Kaniatarà:ke ó:ni ronthonweià:tha - They are also boating on the river

18. Tánon rontá:wens - And they are swimming

19. Ronnon’wéskwani - They enjoy

20. Átste ahatikón:ni tánon tahontskà:nhon - Cooking and eating outside

21. Ókia’ke ó:ni ron’tohserotà:nes - Some also go camping

22. Tsi nikakwitehnéhtsheres - During the spring

23. Kanatakwé:kon - All over town

24. Tsi kanenstá:ton - At the reserve

25. Ne Ahkwesáhshne tsi nón:we nitewanakerénion - At Ahkwesáhsne where we live

26. Onkwanonhsaktónkie - Along our houses

27. Tánon tsi kaniataratákie - And on the river

28. Né:’e tsi entá:on’k - Because it is necessary

29. Entewaten’nikonhro:ri - We will have fun


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