A Voice from the Eastern Door


Reprinted with permission from Traditional Teachings by the Native North American Travelling College

The Formation of The

Grand Council


I, Hiawatha and the Sachems have planted a tree of Peace, which we will call Tsioneratisekowa, at your settlement, Atotarhoh, in Onondaga. Under the shade of this great tree we have prepared seats for you and your cousin Sachems to keep and watch the Confederate Council Fire; all business of the Hotinonshonni (People of the Longhouse) will be conducted here before you and your Sachems.


From this Great Tree of Peace, four roots have grown, one to the North, South, East, and West. The names of these roots will be Great White Root, (Oktehrakenrahkowa) symbolizing peace and charity. Should any nation or individual outside the Sachems adopt the Great Law upon learning them or by tracing the roots to the Great Tree, they shall then discipline their minds and spirits to obey and honour the wishes of the Council of the League. Then they will be made welcome to take shelter under the branches of this tree.

An Eagle will be placed at the top of this tree to see far into the distance. Should any danger threaten the lives of the People of the Hotinonshonni, an Eagle will immediately warn of its approach.


Five bound arrows symbolize our complete union. Our power is now one within the

Hotinonshonni. We have tied ourselves together in one head, one body, one spirit and one soul to settle all matters as one. We shall work, counsel and confirm together for the future of coming generations. We shall each eat one bowl of cooked beaver tails being careful not to use a sharp object for if we do we might cut one another and bloodshed will result.


We are now Sachems of the Hotinonshonni unified in a circle. This symbolizes that if a Sachem goes outside of this Confederation then the symbol of this Chieftainship, his crown of deer’s antlers (title) and his birthrights will remain within the Hotinonshonni. Individuals who submit to laws of foreign nations also lose all birthrights and claims of the Hotinonshonni and territory. The leaders of this league must be firm so that if a tree (symbol of a Sachem) falls upon the circle of joined hands, you will not weaken to separate your hold, keeping the strength of the League together.


If any danger threatens the people or descendants of the Hotinonshonni, any person able to climb to the top of the Tree of the Great Peace and sees the evil approaching shall call to the people of the Hotinonshonni that have gathered beneath this Great Tree and warn of the danger approaching.

Then the Sachems shall Counsel and discuss the danger. When all the facts have been discussed and found to be true then the people shall seek the Great Swamp Elm Tree. When they have found this tree, they shall gather to resolve the problem by putting their minds together in the hopes of restoring peace and happiness.


A pine tree has been pulled out by its roots and into the depth of the hole we throw all weapons of war for the strong currents of water to carry them to areas unknown. We then replace the pine tree completing the burial of our weapons of war from sight to help establish the Kaianerekowa (Great Law). Trouble between each other will now cease and the Kaianerekowa (Great Law) will be preserved among the Hotinonshonni.


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