A Voice from the Eastern Door
1. Ónhka ieià:tare? - Who is in the picture?
2. Tsieià:ta iakón:kwe - 1 woman
3. Iakotehià:ron - She is grown up
4. Ieià:tase - She is a young woman
5. Kahòn:tsi niwahsokò:ten iakononwaró:ron tánon teiako’niá:nawen - She is wearing a black hat and gloves
6. Ata’kenhróhkwa akohserakékha iakokia’tawì:ton - She is wearing a grey winter coat
7. Teiohsarákwes teiakotárion - She is wearing tall boots
8. Kahòn:tsi niwahsokò:ten ohnatiróntha teiakotháhsteren - She is wearing black stretch pants
9. Oh na’akoià:tawen? - What happened to her?
10. Wa’eia’takwénhtara’ne - Her body fell
11. Wa’akótskwaienhte - She hit her lower back (base)
12. Wa’akokwitshakaré:wahte - She hurt her knee
13. Né:’e aorì:wa iekwitshà:ke iakoienawá:kon - That is the reason she is holding her knee
14. Ó:ni ia’akó:ti ne akohnà:ta - She also threw her purse
15. Ieia’tákta ia’kaién:ta’ne - It is laying near her body
16. Kátke? - When
17. Akohserà:ke nikahá:wi - Winter
18. Entákta - Saturday
19. Ohrhon’kè:ne - In the morning
20. Toka nón:wa sha’té:kon niiohwistá:’e - Perhaps 8 o’clock
21. Wa’akoio’ténhsere’ne - She was going to work
22. Ka’nón:we? - Where?
23. Átka tsi nón:we niié:taron - Where she lives
24. Tsi waten’enhratákie - Along the fence
25. Tsi iakotháhonte - At her driveway
26. Tsi kentstèn:raien - There is brick there
27. Tsi iotstenhrakè:tote - The brick is showing
28. Oh nonkié:ren? - Why?
29. Wa’kiaka’o’tsísko - She slipped
30. Né:’e tsi iowí:sare tánon iowisáhrhon - Because it had ice on it and it was covered in ice there
31. Tsi nón:we wa’erá:ta’ne - Where she stepped
32 Ne aorì:wa wa’akowiskwen’táre’se - That is the reason the ice caused her to fall
33. Sótsi iohshnó:re wa’akothahitákhe - She was walking too fast
34. Wa’kiakohsterihénhsere - She was in a hurry
35. Teiehtharakwà:ke teiakohthá:rahkwe - She was talking on her phone
36. Ia’e’werokwaién:ta’ne - Her barrel-shaped body fell down
37. Wa’ontewerokwakahrhaténia’te - She turned her barrel-shaped body over
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