A Voice from the Eastern Door

Raniehténhtha Tánon Iewisarónkwas

He is knocking off snow and she is scraping ice

1. Shaià:ta rón:kwe raià:tare - One man is in the picture

2. Rotahta'nawénhston - He is bundled up

3. Óhonte niwahsohkò:ten rokia'tawì:ton - He is wearing a green shirt

4. Ata'kenhróhkhwa tehotháhsteren - He is wearing gray pants

5. Rononhwaró:ron - He is wearing a hat

6. Ieiohwharóhare - It has a pompom (fur) on top

7. Raniehténhtha ne raó:sere - He is knocking off snow on his car

8. Ísi nihokierà:ton - He is turned away

9. Akohserà:ke nikahá:wi niwakenhnhò:ten - It is winter time season

10. Awententa'ón'ke niwenhniserò:ten - Monday

11. Ohrhon'kè:ne - In the morning

12. Oié:ri shískare - It is the 10th

13. Enníska niwenhni'tò:ten - February is the month

14. Ohahà:ke - On the road

15. Ohén:ton tsi ronónhsote - In front of his house

16. Rote'serehtónkion - He left his car there

17. Né:'e tsi é:so ioteniehtáhere - Because there is a lot of snow on it

18. Roién:'a waho'terónhne - He is taking his son there

19. Wa'thatsihkwa'ékhe - He is going to play hockey

20. A'nowara'kowáhne - At A'nowara'kó:wa

21. Kawehnohkowanén:ne - Cornwall Island

22. Tsieià:ta ieià:tase ieià:tare - One young woman is in the picture

23. Iakononhwaró:ron iohthenno'tsheren'tónnion - She is wearing a hat with pom poms hanging off it

24. Teiako'niá:nawen í:iah tha'tekahsnonhshón:ton - She is wearing gloves without fingers

25. Í:iah teiakotahta'nawénhston - She is not bundled up

26. Kénh nikiakokierà:ton - She is facing us

27. Iewisarónkwas ne akò:sere - She is scraping ice off her car

28. Iakote'seréhtaien - She is parked

29. Akononhsákta - Near her house

30. Né:'e tsi ako'nisténha iakoienawà:se - Because she is helping her mother


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Rendered 11/28/2024 18:30