A Voice from the Eastern Door

Bee-ginning with Books with Kathline Harvey

By Mahlon Smoke

At the St. Regis Mohawk School Library, a young Head Start class sits on a floor mat while attentively listening to Kathline Harvey, a Teacher Aide from Salmon River read them a story. As part of the St. Regis Mohawk School's Bee-ginning With Books Reading program; a monthly event that allows young children (infants to four-year-old's) be read to: to foster a love of reading.

This month, Ms. Harvey was the featured reader, sharing her love for teaching and at the same time gaining experience for her Masters in Library Science. She read a few stories for the engaged class of Head Start students with their teachers supervising. At the time, Halloween was just around the corner and Ms. Harvey read few stories about spooky dances and pumpkins. As well, a craft project was set up for the children to decorate their own little pumpkin with stickers and paper. It was a fun event for Head Start Classroom 2 and the Bee-ginning With Books program will be continuing into the spring months as well.


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