A Voice from the Eastern Door


We Went to Get Medicine and Came Back

1. Tehiahiakserá:ke tsi náhe - 2 weeks ago

2. Tekeníhaton - Tuesday

3. Kióhton shiská:rahkwe - 9th was the date

4. Kenténha niwenhnitò:ten - October is the month

5. Ohstoronón:ke nonkwá:ti - American side

6. Onchiota nón:we - Onchiota is where

7. A’nó:wara raó:ris - Turtle socks

8. Aién - Witch hobble

9. Tsionehskwén:rie - Wild ginger

10. Ionkwanonhkwa’tsherakohónhne - We went to get medicine

11. Tsi na’tontaionkwahonwí:sere - As we were driving home

12. Katsistohkwanó:ron ronwahsótha - Katsistohkwanó:ron’s grandfather

13. Kakwiró:ton tánon Teioheráthe - Kakwiró:ton and Teioheráthe

14. Wahshakotí:ken - They saw her

15. Kí:ken iakón:kwe - This woman

16. Wa’ókwahte - She hit it

17. Ne skawiró:wane - A turkey

18. Iakenhé:ia’te - It died right away

19. Só:’k ne Teioheráthe - Then Teioheráthe

20. Iahatitáhkwahte - He jumped out

21. Rahsi’tà:ke wá:ratste wahoriahnerón:ko - He used his foot to move him

22. Thó:ne ó:nen tahoniá:ra - Then he grabbed it by the neck

23. Kí:ken watatewenní:io skawiró:wane - This wild turkey

24. Oh nà:ken ka’seréhtakon - In the truck (behind in the car)

25. Ia’thate’shénnia’te - He threw it in

26. Sahatíta - He got in again

27. Tontaka’serehtatihéntho - The car pulled out

28. Kí:ken iakón:kwe - This woman

29. Khéh íkiete - She is just standing

30. Teiakotskará:’on - Her mouth is wide open

31. Né:’k ne tsiakonehrakó:’on - She is in awe

32. Skawiró:wane shotinahskwaientákie - They brought the turkey home


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