Upper Canada District School Board Officially Opens New TR Leger Campus in Cornwall
September 24, 2017 (Cornwall, ON) – On Monday, the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) held the official opening for the new TR Leger School of Adult, Alternative and Continuing Education Cornwall campus.
The new campus is located at 300 McConnell Avenue in Cornwall, previously the site of Immaculate Conception Catholic School. The UCDSB acquired this location in March 2018 through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario. The previous home of TR Leger Cornwall was located at 1500 Cumberland Street, formerly General Vanier Intermediate School.
“This new location is a testament to the school board’s commitment to provide students with modern learning environments. This location is better situated geographically for many of the students, and staff are really enjoying the brighter, updated space,” said Second Vice Chair and Trustee David McDonald.
Monday’s event brought together local dignitaries to give their remarks and celebrate the school. Staff and students also took this opportunity to provide a tour of their new building.
TR Leger School of Adult, Alternative and Continuing Education in Cornwall offers nine programs and provides services to 332 students.
“We have had a very positive start to the 2018-19 school year here at TR Leger. I am very proud of our students and staff for creating such a caring culture in our new location,” said TR Leger Principal Sandy McInnes.
Northern Borders / PTECH Student Orientation and Welcome Event
(9.18.18) Students at the Northern Borders Academy began the school year with a new principal, Mr. Tim Seymour, and a clear goal: begin with the end in mind. The first day of school was centered on promoting a workforce readiness approach for students, by strengthening the link between what students are learning and what careers they are preparing for. P-TECH, short for Pathways in Technology in Early College and High school, has been heralded across the state as a new and exciting model for students to learn, earn college credit, and prepare for a career simultaneously.
Northern Borders welcomed back 15 juniors, 17 sophomores, and a new cohort of 17 freshmen. Part of this welcome included a healthcare careers panel that provided the almost 50 students with the opportunity to hear about roles and professionalism in the workplace. Panelists included Claire Alai-Grasso, Licensed Mental Health Clinician, North Star Behavioral Services; Tonya Blackburn, RN Case Manager, HCR Home Care; Ryan Hamel, Director of Human Resources, Alice Hyde Medical Center; and Sarah Maroun, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, North Country Community College.
Panelists shared stories, advice, and best practices with students and encouraged them to continue to be curious about the opportunities that will be available upon program completion. The panelists spoke about how they arrived in their chosen career, what they love about their jobs, and gave the students advice about what their next steps should be as employees in training.
The Northern Borders Staff is excited to start this school year working closely with their business partners: Alice Hyde Medical Center; North Country Community College; Northern Area Health Education Center, Inc .; Adirondack Health Institute; Salmon River Central School; North Country Workforce Development Board; Citizen Advocates; and Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe.
To keep up to date on the Northern Borders program, visit their website (http://www.fehb.org/NBA/NBA-PTECH.html) or Facebook page (www.facebook.com/Northern-Borders-Academy).
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