A Voice from the Eastern Door


Seskeha/August 21, 2018 – There will be an orientation for all students and parents on Thursday, Seskeha/August 30, 2018 from 12:30 – 3pm at each school respectively. Student Orientation will provide you the chance to meet your child’s teacher along with receiving pertinent information at the start of the school year. So please plan to attend.

The first day of school is scheduled for Tuesday, Seskehkowa/September 4, 2018.

For bus transportation we ask for your patience during the first week of school, and most importantly on the first day of school to allow the bus drivers to “work out the bugs.”

The After-School Program will be offered again this year. The first day for the program will be Monday, Seskehkowa/September 10, 2018. Registration will begin during orientation, Space is limited so please fill out your child’s application as soon as possible to guarantee a spot.

All students will continue to receive free breakfast and snack every day school is in session. Lunch will be provided on the first day of school. All parents must fill out the Food Services Registration form. The Head Cooks will be at the orientation to answer any questions.

New administration staff at the schools:

Courtney Thomas, Principal – Kanatakon School

Alice King, Superintendent – Kanien’keha Language and Curriculum

Andrea Carpenter, Associate Principal – Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School

Help us welcome staff in their new roles!

For further information contact:

Dwayne Thomas, Transportation Supervisor-AMBE: 613-933-0409

Denise Jackson, Principal-Ahkwesahsne Mohawk School: 613-932-3366

Courtney Thomas, Principal-Kanatakon School: 613-575-2323

Lynda Brown, Principal-Tsi Snaihne School: 613-575-2291


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