A Voice from the Eastern Door

Children Racing in PICEI Power Wheel Derby

The PICEI Power Wheel Derby was held at Generations Park on August 12th, 2018 in the Travis Solomon Memorial Lacrosse Box. This event is sponsored by PICEI and dedicated to bringing cultural togetherness to everyone.

Program member and supervisor, Florence Patterson said, "This event is to bring everyone together from all different cultures and the best way to start is through friendly competition where all participants get a prize".

The Power Derby was complete with vendors, a psychic, and food and drinks that were provided in-part by Generations Park. Later in the evening, a movie that would be picked by the audience was played.

Just before the main event, 'Lady Locket', performed a dance in a beautiful butterfly outfit that held everyone's attention, especially the children.

Then the announcer explained the rules of the race: there would be 2 rounds with 3 laps driven in small electric cars, all of which had been donated by different organizations for this very event, such as Brasher Falls who had donated 3 cars, the Akwesasne Mohawk Police, and the St. Regis Mohawk Tribal Police. As the race began it was clear the kids were just there for fun as they raced at their own speed. Some had trouble staying on the track; one young racer drove away from the track. Still the kids had fun and all won medals for their participation.

While there were 10 participants in total, the event was less about the race itself and who won and more about allowing the children from different cultures and backgrounds to drive around and play with each other while parents visited.

Which was what Patterson had hoped for, she stated, "We want everyone to be proud of their own culture but to learn and appreciate one another; we also wish to understand the Native people who have a lot to offer and wisdom to share," when asked about why the event was set up in Akwesasne. Even after the race was completed and the prizes won, the children drove around the arena playing, laughing, and having fun - which was the real point of this race.


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