(August 8, 2018) AKWESASNE - The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe continues to take steps to guarantee Mohawk employment on Mohawk projects. In January of this year, Tribal Council enacted TCR 2018-01, which amended the Tribe's prior Native American Preference Policy by strengthening requirements for all Sub-Contractors to employ at least forty percent (40%) Native workers throughout the duration of a tribal construction project for each trade.
"We want our Native tradespeople hired to the maximum possible extent," stated Executive Director Tsiorasa Barreiro. He noted, "The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe and the Akwesasne community are energized by our infrastructure improvement initiatives and it's imperative that our tradespeople understand how they can be a part of this important work."
The Tribe is encouraging all Native vendors and trade workers interested in working on the Health Services Expansion and Renovation Project to submit their resume to the Akwesasne Employment Resource Center, located at 611 State Route 37, for the following areas:
(see pic)
Interested Native workers may also speak with Danny Simmons, site supervisor for Bette & Cring, who has application forms available at the job trailer located at the project site. Individuals may also contact Senior Project Manager Mark Scott by calling (315) 782-0074 or (315) 783-9232 or emailing mscott@bettecring.com.
The Health Services Expansion Project is being undertaken to address the need for adequate physical space in response to the growing population and medical needs of the community. It entails a 17,700-square-foot addition to the existing 14,400-square-foot facility that will provide more exam rooms, outreach and mental health counseling rooms, meeting space, waiting rooms, larger lab and pharmacy, and allow for the return of the Alcohol/Chemical Dependency Prevention Program to the facility. Preliminary site work for the project began this summer, with the project scheduled for completion in December 2019.
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