October 6, 1977 – July 13, 2009
Dear Michael
9 years my brother
How the moons come & pass
My love for you only grows
It's been weeks these emotions been brewing
As I fill them with the blessings of my daughter honey Atlas
5 months from thy womb
Forever grateful for her arrival & constant presence
Our gifted sovereign
As we spend together in the wild
I think of you
I think of Makalli Hayze
Dear sister Charity
What a gift Makaylli Hayze is to life....
As well as your daughter's legacy
Guided by our loves path
In Mother Earths kingdom
By the waters that once swallowed your spirit...
Only to be released thru the raindrops of the heavens
A constant waltz with our sender
I give thanks send my love
From my greatest highest
Hearts beat of blissful being
As radiant as our suns dayfull of kisses
Glazed by grandmother moons glistening sky gardens...
-Herbi M. Tatro
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