The St. Regis Recreation Dance Club hosted their Annual Party in Park Dance Recital on Wednesday, June 6th. This year's theme was Hip Hoppin' Through History. The recital was held at the St. Regis Recreation, outside in the field. Hundreds of community members came out to support a group of brave and talented dancers. The event began at 6pm, with Kevin Lazore emceeing the event, introducing each act to the stage.
Each dance class was able to perform a number, which they had practiced very hard on. The first of the dance groups to perform was the age 5 group performing to "Minnie the Moocher." The second act was a performance by the age 6 group to "No Mountain High Enough." The third act was a performance by the age 8 group to "I Want You Back." The fourth act was a performance by the age 4 group to "Barbara Ann." The fifth act was a performance by the age 6 group to "Run-Around Sue." The sixth act was a performance by the age 5 group to "Come and Get Your Love." The seventh act was a performance by ages 9/10 to "Superstition." The eighth act was a performance by the age 8 group to "Bust A Move." The ninth act was a performance by ages 11/12 to a Michael Jackson smash up. The tenth act was a performance by the age 7 group to "Thriller." The eleventh act was a performance by the age 3 group to "Groove Is In The Heart." The twelfth act was a performance by the age 4 group to "Just The Way You Are." The thirteenth act was a performance by the age 3 group "Shake Senora." The fourteenth act was a performance by ages 9/10 to "Pretty Girls." The fifteenth act was a performance by the age 7 group to "Dynamite." The finale was a performance by the teens to "Mi Gente."
Laura Thompson, founder and teacher for the St. Regis Dance Club, stated, "We are taking collections, because we have to pay for our own stage." In the previous years, the Akwesasne Mohawk Casino had donated their stage for the event. Laura Thompson and her team of volunteers work hard to make sure every child that walks into their dance class has the opportunity to learn and perform. The dance club is run by donations and fundraising, and the community of Akwesasne has always been great at supporting the St. Regis Dance Club. The St. Regis Dance Club stated on their program, "A special thanks to Akwesasne Employment Resource Center, Akwesasne Mohawk Casino Resort, Community Health Program, DJ Tray Benedict, Midnight Confetti, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe and to the Dance Club Parents. Also, a big shout out to everyone who helped us fundraise throughout our dance season."
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