A Voice from the Eastern Door

Akwesasne's Long Term Care Facility Plans Fundraiser, Mohawk Raffle At Legion

At Tsiionkwanonhso:te, residents and family members enjoy a view of the St. Lawrence river from not one, but four covered structures. However, the outdoor furniture is a little ‘worse’ for wear and needs replacing.

Tsiionkwanonhso:te (Our Home) is the long term care facility licensed by the ‘Ministry of Health and Long Term Care’ and operated by Mohawk Council of Akwesasne. Next year in 2019, the Home is celebrating 25 years of service to the community and its neighbors in SD&G. A number of special events are held throughout the year to bring community into Our Home: barbecue; Cornfest; family dinners at Easter and Christmas. Last December, family members were scrambling to find chairs in order to join their loved one at the congregate Christmas dinner. Many of the over 100 wooden chairs have been discarded since the doors opened in 1994.

Fundraising is a necessary activity at Tsiionkwanonhso:te. The monies needed to purchase the necessary equipment will improve the resident’s ‘quality of life’.

Your individual and/or group donation to the Mohawk Auction on June 8, 2018 at the American Legion in Hogansburg will raise the funds necessary to purchase new furniture. The theme of your donation/basket is limited only by your imagination. The success of this fundraiser depends on your participation, either by volunteering your time, making a donation or by purchasing raffle tickets that evening.

The band ‘CROSSWINDS’ who, along with John Francis, have volunteered their time and are recruiting other community bands to join them for an evening of dancing, friendship and raising lots of money.

Caring for our frail and vulnerable Elders takes a village. Together, we will provide them with a home and furnishings to be proud of, with services to keep them comfortable, and provide an excellent quality of life.

Niawen:kowa and thank you for your support!


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