A Voice from the Eastern Door

Attention to any students who plan to transfer to Salmon River:

The Salmon River Central School District’s transfer policy deadline is June 1, 2018. This policy applies to all students who wish to transfer into the Salmon River Central School District (including the St. Regis Mohawk School) for the 2018-2019 school year who are changing school districts but not residency. Enrollment packets are available in the Office of Instruction, located in the Elementary of the Salmon River Central campus or at the St. Regis Mohawk School. The student’s birth certificate and immunization record are required at the time of enrollment. Please be aware that the following New York state requirements are necessary for entry: Grades 6-10, a Tdap vaccine, two Varicella, and four Polio vaccines; Grades 7-11, Meningococcal vaccine; and Grade 12, two Meningococcal vaccines. Please check with your health care provider for New York State requirements of your child’s vaccination schedule.


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